Your Weekly Vegan Menu For The Month Of April

This menu will help you organize and eat healthy all week. Includes breakfast, lunch and dinner with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Download it!
Marta's menu

With the arrival of good spring weather and the longer days, it is possible that we want lighter, fresh and simple preparations, although on rainy days we can recover the cooked or stewed vegetables.

Organizing ourselves every week with a menu is a very good idea in terms of sustainability: we will buy the ones we need and we will get the most out of it. But it is also that it will help us to eat healthy and delicious every day.

  • Download the April menu here.

A healthy weekly menu with seasonal foods

The month of April, in the middle of spring, brings us a lot of wonderful vegetables to add to our dishes. It is an ideal time to taste fresh peas, beans and snow peas, without forgetting the green beans and many other vegetables and fruits that will fill the table with color. You will find all of them in your weekly menu.

In this menu you will not find repetitions, so it would be difficult to use it as is to do batch cooking . However, if you want to take advantage of it, you can repeat some days of the week and organize to cook for the whole month.

You can also give the menu your touch and substitute an option for one of your favorite foods.

In addition, you can add a salad bowl made with seasonal vegetables to your lunch or dinner. A part of our vegetable intake has to be raw, on a daily basis whenever we can.

Remember that throughout the day our main drink has to be water, over infusions, tea or coffee.

In plant-based diets, it is very important to be able to fix the non-heme iron intake that we obtain from legumes and vegetables, so choose foods loaded with vitamin C such as sorrel, red peppers or citrus fruits such as lemon.

Between hours, our best option will always be seasonal fruit, being at a time when we can choose from many options such as strawberries, apricots, loquats or bananas.

The cream of nuts or peanut give us healthy fats and proteins, as well as energy, and are great allies in sandwich to eat entrehoras, combining well with fruit.

If we have to take a snack, we can take carrot sticks or cherry tomatoes, two simple options that hold perfectly in a container and are a simple and tasty way to include more raw in our diet.

The weekend is a good time to get out of the routine and share with family and friends a special recipe, such as paella.

Or for breakfast with horchata, one of the most nutritious vegetable drinks. At this time you can get tigernuts and make the horchata without sugar at home. It can also be the ideal time to organize your week, cook and prepare many meals.


  • Breakfast: Toast of bread with tomato and olive pate, oat porridge with fresh strawberries and coffee with a vegetable drink or infusion
  • Food: Whole wheat pasta with dried fruit and mushroom pesto. Option 2: Fajitas with green leaves, guacamole and tofu
  • Dinner: scrambled tofu with grilled green asparagus


  • Breakfast: Toast of bread with tomato and olive pate, oat porridge with fresh strawberries and coffee with a vegetable drink or infusion
  • Food: Stewed lentils with vegetables and potato, onion, fennel and olive salad. Option 2: Lentil curry with brown rice
  • Dinner: Green beans sautéed with marinated tofu and sun-dried tomato


  • Breakfast: Toast of bread with tomato and olive pate, oat porridge with fresh strawberries and coffee with a vegetable drink or infusion
  • Food: Cauliflower puree and sautéed tempeh (you can also prepare it with tofu or seitan)
  • Dinner: Cream of seasonal vegetables with beet sprouts. Option 2: steamed vegetable miso soup with mustard vinaigrette and beetroot sprouts


  • Breakfast: Toast of bread with tomato and olive pate, oat porridge with fresh strawberries and coffee with a vegetable drink or infusion
  • Lunch: Arugula salad with pickled chives and peeled hemp seeds
  • Dinner: Piquillo pepper hummus with crudités


  • Breakfast: Toast of bread with tomato and olive pate, oat porridge with fresh strawberries and coffee with a vegetable drink or infusion
  • Food: Sorrel and spinach with pine nuts (Catalan style spinach), brown rice and flaked tofu. Option 2: Legume pasta salad with sorrel and spinach leaves and radishes, with citrus vinaigrette.
  • Dinner: Vegetable pizza and cashew cheese (or any pizza on the web)


  • Breakfast: Oat pancakes with pure cocoa powder and banana, coffee with a vegetable drink or infusion. With the arrival of the tigernut, it is time to make homemade horchata, a very rich vegetable drink full of properties.
  • Lunch: Tempeh in white wine with potatoes and peas, green leafy salad with orange. Option 2: Chickpea burger with bread, tomato and onion and baked sweet potato.
  • Dinner: Zucchini stuffed with chickpeas with vegetables, such as onion and carrots. Option 2: Cream of zucchini and other steamed vegetables with integrated tofu.


  • Breakfast: Oat pancakes with pure cocoa powder and banana, coffee with a vegetable drink or infusion. With the arrival of the tigernut, it is time to make homemade horchata, a very rich vegetable drink full of properties.
  • Food: Vegetable paella with peas, jug and artichokes and seitan fillet with pepper. Option 2: Grilled artichokes (grilled vegetables) and white beans in the pan
  • Dinner: Cream of zucchini, potato, lentils and tahin

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