What Are The Most Suitable Exercises For Back Pain?

Activities such as running, cycling or strength training also train the muscles of the back and prevent pain, but there are specific activities, sports and exercises that strengthen the back and prevent discomfort.
Woman on bicycle

If your physical condition is good, if you keep your general muscles toned and your joints lubricated, the chances of experiencing back discomfort are greatly reduced. Back pain usually appears as a result of an overload caused by the lack of tone of certain muscles. We can work these muscles with 10 minutes of exercises a day.

What is it that really hurts in the back?

If you think about your back, you have your spine in mind. The spine is the pillar of your body in the true sense of the word. It consists of a total of 33 vertebrae connected to each other by small joints. We actually have 33 vertebrae during childhood, but over the years they are reduced to 24 because the vertebrae of the sacrum and coccyx fuse into a single bone.

Within the vertebrae are the intervertebral discs, which function as shock absorbers. Finally, the ligaments and tendons shape the spine, which is supported by numerous adjacent muscles.

If the interplay of bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and connective tissue works well, then the spine is not as sensitive a structure as many think. Usually we don’t feel our spine.

But if the important muscles are poorly trained, this means more work for the spine, whose bones suffer from overload and accelerated wear and tear. Therefore, maintaining strong and well-trained abdominal and back muscles is the best prevention against pain.

Back pain can have these other causes:

  • Incorrect or repetitive movement patterns.
  • Psychological stress
  • Organic diseases of the spine.
  • Wrong diet
  • Incorrect posture that causes compensations.
  • Intense physical work.
  • Obesity.
  • Sedentary.

Strong muscles prevent back pain

Just ten minutes of gymnastics a day strengthens the many small, deep muscles that surround the spine. If you want to exercise more, there is no problem. With proper technique and accompanying muscle training, almost any sport is suitable for strengthening the body.

Sport also prevents psychological stress. When you move, the body is rid of stress hormones and muscle tensions are loosened. Stress is a back pain trigger that should not be underestimated. So much so that any conflict with another person or with yourself can lead to constant muscle tension that causes pain.

5 workouts for the back

1. Nordic walking

Turn animated walking through the poles into a full-body workout. Arm swing strengthens the chest and back muscles, tones the arms and shoulders, and improves posture.

Even inexperienced people can gradually develop a good condition with Nordic walking. However, it makes sense to learn the correct technique, otherwise you can get used to the wrong movements.

2. Running is not the best thing for your back

It is very popular and has more and more followers, however, running does not perform a particularly favorable movement for the back.

Hard surfaces, such as asphalt or city sidewalks, are not good for runners, as the movement is barely cushioned, compressing the spine and stressing the joints. A suitable running shoe with good cushioning is very important if this is the physical practice that you like. And, if you can, run on dirt or grass.

3. Cycling

Strengthens the core and leg muscles. Cross country over hills and valleys is not recommended for an already damaged back, the vibrations would be too strong. People with sensitive backs should prefer light bikes with a low step.

A well-suspended saddle is gentle on the back. The height of the seat, the position and inclination of the saddle, the height and inclination of the handlebars, as well as the length of the seat, must be adjusted so that the backrest is straight. A forward leaning athletic stance, on the other hand, is not good for the back – many racing cyclists struggle with back problems.

4. The dance

It trains the muscle groups of the whole body, improves endurance, coordination and posture. To maintain balance, dancers must tighten the muscles in the legs, pelvic floor, and back.

Those who want to dance without a partner, but not alone, can sign up for Zumba, Latin cardio or salsa aerobic classes, practices that help improve posture and endurance.

5. Aquafitness for the back

When moving against the water resistance you must use a lot of force. In this way the muscles become incredibly strong. At the same time, buoyancy relieves the load on the spine and joints. This makes aquafitness or water gymnastics especially suitable for people who are overweight.

Strengthen your back muscles with weights

One of the success factors of fitness gyms is that the activity can be tailored very specifically to special interests and needs, thanks to the work of physical therapists and personal trainers.

For example, specific training with machines and weights can be performed to strengthen the muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones related to the back. You can also develop muscles in specific ways. Ideally, strength machine exercises are based on an individual training plan, which can be designed by physical therapists and rehabilitation physicians.

At the beginning of back training, the degree of mobility of the different parts of the spine can be determined, as well as the strength of all major muscle groups. A specific program is designed and after a few weeks the changes achieved are evaluated.

Strengthen your back with quiet activities


This discipline is based on the strengthening of the body center, made up of abdominal muscles, lumbar muscles and buttocks.

The exercises, performed slowly and with concentration, reach deep muscles, including around the spine. Training improves physical strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The posture becomes more upright and elegant.

Pilates exercises can be done with special equipment or on the mat. The level of difficulty increases according to the level of training. If the exercises are done correctly, the benefits can be appreciated relatively quickly.


In yoga there are many exercises (asanas) that strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, for both beginners and advanced.

The most famous form of yoga is hatha yoga. This method considers flexibility, harmony of the body, breathing and nutrition as the basis of physical and mental well-being.

If you suffer from back pain and especially if you have a diagnosed back disorder, such as lordosis, scoliosis or hernias, go to a yoga instructor with knowledge of physical therapy and anatomy to achieve the best results.

Tai Chi

With the help of this traditional Chinese gymnastics, characterized by fluid and slow movements, the entire body is gently toned. Tai Chi strengthens muscles, stamina, and coordination.

It also reduces stress and works body awareness, so that we learn to reduce the effort we make when practicing any movement.

Chi kung

Typical of this method are exercises without moving from the site that are combined with breathing and meditation.

The exercises relieve the spine and the joints. If chi kung is done correctly, one cannot be hurt or overloaded. Therefore, it is suitable for everyone. It is an especially suitable practice to finish any other physical activity.

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