To The Delicious Ice Cream! Gluten And Lactose Free

They are pure vitamins and a real delight for the summer. Very easy to make, with only fresh fruit and natural toppings. Let yourself be tempted!
Creamy fruit ice cream

In summer, it is very appetizing and almost impossible to resist having ice cream from time to time. A delicious pleasure that makes days of intense heat more bearable. And they are one of the favorite sweet options for both children and adults at this time.

But do you know what they carry? How are they made?

We propose you to make ice creams in a simple way from raw ingredients: fruits, nuts, healthy vegetable fats. They are a healthy alternative to conventional and industrial ice creams, and perfect for everyone, especially if they have intolerances.

These ice creams are within the concept of living food or raw food. They are vegan, gluten and lactose free. You can eat them without feeling guilty!

There is nothing like eating something made with your own hands. You know what you are eating and that gives you confidence. In fact, most of the time we do not really know what we are putting in our mouths.

How to make fruit-based ice cream, gluten and lactose free!

Let’s see the possible ways to make a “live” homemade ice cream, with fresh and natural ingredients.

When choosing the ingredients, quality is basic. We are going to prepare something that we and our loved ones will consume. It is important that the ingredients are of good origin, preferably from organic or local agriculture. Find out who makes them and how, making sure they don’t have chemicals used in agriculture.

Simply with fruit you can make ice cream. For example, we peel and chop a banana and freeze it. Once it is hard, we crush it and obtain a rich ice cream with a very creamy consistency that has nothing to envy to a conventional ice cream. Simple as that!

Our creative potential will do the rest. We can combine fruits to achieve other colors and flavors, give them toppings, spice them or add nuts to give texture.

If we add healthy fats, such as cashews previously soaked in water, avocado, coconut oil, cocoa butter, vegetable milks … we will achieve even more creamy ice creams to which we can give any shape, even make a pole.

If the sweetness of the fruit is not enough, one option is to add natural sweeteners, such as agave or yacon syrup, dates, muscovado sugar, coconut or birch sugar …

The more power your mixer has, the creamier it will come out. And if you have an ice cream maker or ice cream maker, you will achieve the texture and appearance of a professional ice cream. Use different molds to shape the ice creams: circles, squares, triangles, stars … There are original and fun molds.

Decorate them with whatever you like the most: nuts, coconut, crispy spirulina, mint leaves, cocoa nibs, small pieces of other fruits …

You can serve them with sauces, for example, 100g of crushed blueberries with 10 dates and a couple of teaspoons of water. Or just ground mango.

An ice cream can be an excellent gourmet dish if it is presented in an elegant and artistic way.

Due to their simplicity, these preparations are ideal for involving children. In general, children love ice creams, so if you make their elaboration a game they will not only learn simple recipes, but they will connect with food from an early age.

The kitchen is a great tool to provide educational knowledge and, if we teach them from a young age, we will be giving them freedom.

Step by step: strawberry and banana ice cream recipe

It is so easy to prepare that it will surprise you, but its flavor and lightness will not leave you indifferent. Here we tell you how to do it with a blender, as it is the simplest and the result is excellent, but you can use an ice cream maker or sorbet maker if you have one. It will be even more creamy.

You only need two ingredients :

  • 3 bananas
  • 200 g strawberries

1. Prepare the fruit

Peel and slice the plantains first and set them aside in a bowl. Then clean the strawberries by removing the stem and leaves, and then cut them into small pieces on another bowl.

Put the cut fruit in the freezer and leave it for a few hours until it is completely frozen. It is preferable to freeze the fruits separately in different containers.

2. Remove the fruit from the freezer

Pass the bananas through the blender until you get a creamy paste. Add the strawberries and blend until the consistency is equal.

Depending on the power of the mixer, it may cost at first. If it is underpowered, please be patient. Little by little you will achieve a good result.

3. Enjoy your ice cream

Once the consistency of ice cream is obtained, you have it ready and you can start enjoying it.

If grinding it warmed up a bit and is no longer as compact as you would like, or even if you are not going to eat it right away and prefer to eat it at another time, you can put it back in the freezer until the right time.

More flavor and creaminess with these tricks

You can decorate this ice cream or others with blueberries, flowers, cocoa nibs, dried coconut chips …

To give more creaminess, add 100 g of cashews (soaked for 3 to 8 hours), 3 tablespoons of coconut sugar and 80 ml of water to the fruit. Crush and freeze.

With papaya you get another delicious ice cream. Put 350 g of this fruit, 1 tablespoon of powdered maca and cashews, coconut sugar and water in the same proportion as in the previous recipe.

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