The Secret Of The Nutrient Multiplier Dressing

Eating salads and vegetables is very healthy. But if we want to make good use of all its nutrients, nothing better than a dressing with a touch of good fat.
Healthy dressings

Dressings and vinaigrettes give flavor to our dishes, but their importance goes much further. They are essential to improve the metabolization of nutrients, according to a study by Purdue University (Indiana, United States).

Eating a dressed salad has been shown to improve the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients, such as vitamins A, E, K, and D, lycopene (a carotene), and beta-carotene (precursors to vitamin A) … It’s a compelling reason to season your dishes with dressings rich in healthy fats. But it is not the only one.

Sauces not only add flavor, they have a nutritional function. If your dressing contains an acidic food rich in organic acids (citric, lactic, ascorbic …), it will favor the formation of the hydrochloric acid necessary in the stomach to digest proteins.

And if all of the above were not enough, you have to know that these sauces, dressings and vinaigrettes make your daily menu different and provide a plus of flavor and health to any dish you prepare. The possibilities are endless.

How to choose or prepare a healthy sauce

In general, dressings and sauces are recipes that are easily prepared, whether they are simple or complex. They keep well in the fridge, provide extra nutrients to our menus, decorate, facilitate the feeling of satiety, and improve the organoleptic perception of recipes.

It is necessary to learn to choose and prepare the best sauces and avoid those versions that contain poor quality sugar or fats. And we should not be obsessed with the amount of calories they may contain, as long as the quality of the ingredients prevails, because another property of sauces is that they are satiating.

Select healthy fats

We will opt for first cold pressing extra virgin olive oil, avocado, tahini, almond cream, first pressing seed oils, extra virgin coconut oil, ground seeds …

All of these foods provide you with healthy fats. Combine them because you are interested in using a variety of products that offer you different flavors and nutritional nuances.

In any dressing, the fat is the base. For example, three parts olive oil with one part vinegar gives a delicious and balanced result. Then you can add mustard, tamari, raisins, ginger, garlic, aromatic herbs, spices … The possibilities only depend on your imagination.

The dressing favors the absorption of vitamins

Sauces favor the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K and D) because they dissolve in a fatty medium; Only in this way are they absorbed at the intestinal level thanks to the action of digestive enzymes that digest fats (lipases).

In addition, other substances, such as tomato lycopene or beta-carotenes, with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, are also fat-soluble. Their assimilation is enhanced by lightly cooking the foods that contain them. For example, roasted carrots with a little oil, tomato sauce with onion, pumpkin cream with coconut milk …

Modulate flavors and energies with seasonings

According to traditional Chinese medicine, a dressing that completes a vegetable dish should have the five flavors (bitter, salty, sweet, sour and spicy) to be balanced, in addition to the necessary fat content.

To give the acid touch you can use unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, lemon or orange juice, umeboshi vinegar (it also adds a salty flavor) and sauerkraut.

These foods improve the formation of acid in the stomach and facilitate the digestion of proteins. The acid also helps to secrete saliva.

To give the salty flavor, choose unrefined sea salt, soy or tamari sauce, umeboshi vinegar, sea water … It is worth highlighting the importance of the quality of these products so that they are healthy; only then are they beneficial: we must avoid refined salt or soy products that contain sugar.

The sweet taste is essential to satisfy the body and regulate the desire for sugar throughout the day. You can use raw agave syrup, cereal molasses, apple concentrate or assorted fruits, for example, to complete the healthy dressings of your vegetable and salad dishes.

An example of a tasty, original and healthy dressing

Mix two tablespoons of white tahini, one of tamari, another of apple cider vinegar, a little grated ginger, a teaspoon of Provencal herbs and another of nutritional yeast and a splash of mineral water.

You can add this dressing, for example, to chickpea salad.

A dressing made of pate and a pate as a sauce

If you adjust the texture of the sauces, they can be used as a vegetable paté to spread or dip. Imagine a pesto pate. Or the other way around: a hummus sauce, or a guacamole on your arugula and cucumber salad. And vinaigrettes, in addition to seasoning, are ideal for marinating vegetables, tofu …

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