The Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Is So Healthy

Apple cider vinegar is new-old superfood and can be used in many areas. We show you why vinegar is so healthy and why you can also use it to lose weight, among other things.
Girl with apples

Apple cider vinegar can be considered a local superfood that you can easily make at home as well. Its trace elements and minerals strengthen the immune system, help against headaches and asthma, strengthen the skin, hair and nails, and support the treatment of diabetes. In addition, it has a positive effect on cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood, protects against high blood pressure and stimulates digestion.

What exactly is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting fruits in a mixture of sugar and water.

Yeasts first transform sugars into alcohol. Then the Mycoderma aceti bacteria or acetic bacteria transform the alcohol into acetic acid, which gives rise to the typical smell and taste.

The unfiltered and organic apple cider vinegar contains the “mother”, formed by a mixture of bacteria, amino acids and enzymes that gives the product a cloudy appearance.

1. Apple cider vinegar has an antibacterial effect

Vinegar prevents bacteria from multiplying, so it promotes wound healing or helps against unpleasant odors.

In traditional natural medicine it is used against ear infections, warts and nail fungus. To do this, rub the affected areas with apple cider vinegar.

It also soothes skin irritated by solar radiation or insect bites.

Unpleasant odors can be removed from clothing with apple cider vinegar. Rub with vinegar beforehand or regularly add apple cider vinegar to the softener compartment.

2. Anti-dandruff rinse

Apple cider vinegar has a high proportion of acetic acid, which also helps against certain fungi that are found on the skin and that favor the appearance of dandruff. When the balance of microorganisms in the head is disturbed, vinegar can restore this balance.

Dilute 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a liter of warm water and distribute it on the scalp and throughout the hair after washing your hair. Do not rinse the apple cider vinegar. After drying, the smell also disappears.

3. Helps with digestive problems

When mixed with water, apple cider vinegar supports good digestion. Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of water half an hour before each meal. This stimulates the digestive system and prevents constipation.

Acetic acid also protects the gastric mucosa and has a regenerative effect. It also helps fight abdominal bloating and prevents infections.

4. Vinegar promotes fat burning

Not only apple cider vinegar, but also balsamic vinegar, wine vinegar, or other types of vinegar will help you lose belly fat.

This effect is due to the activation of AMP kinase, which promotes the use of fat cells for energy.

Of course, you shouldn’t rely on apple cider vinegar or any other product as a miracle weight loss remedy. It is only an aid within a plan that includes a hypocaloric, balanced, nutritious, vegetable diet, physical exercise and relaxation.

What to keep in mind when buying apple cider vinegar

When you buy apple cider vinegar, make sure you buy a high-quality product. Good apple cider vinegar is unpasteurized, meaning it has not been heated and is naturally cloudy.

The best quality is often offered in health food stores and organic supermarkets. In conventional supermarkets, you will often find vinegars that are made from apple leftovers and may contain artificial additives. They also contain fewer nutrients.

Side effects of apple cider vinegar

Although apple cider vinegar is a healthy product, it should be consumed in moderate doses and properly. In some cases, apple cider vinegar can trigger side effects:

  • Do not drink plain apple cider vinegar because it can irritate the throat and esophagus.
  • After eating a meal with apple cider vinegar, rinse your mouth well as acetic acid will attack tooth enamel. Do not brush your teeth until half an hour later to avoid wear of the tooth enamel.
  • For people with a sensitive stomach, a doctor should first assess whether apple cider vinegar is suitable for the daily diet.
  • Apple cider vinegar can irritate and dry out sensitive skin.
  • Pregnant women and diabetics should consult their doctor before use.

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