The Girl In “The Exorcist” Is A Feminist

The demon that owns the girl who is the protagonist of this classic horror movie can be identified with feminism … or with patriarchy.
feminist exorcist

Dear Insane Minds,

A curious thing is happening to me and that is that scary movies have stopped scaring me. So, chas! I imagine it has to do with my post-depressions, my therapies and knowing what else, but one day, suddenly, that fear went away. And watch out, I’m one of those who couldn’t go to the bathroom alone at night because Freddy Krueger appeared to them, or whatever his name is.

Total, to explore my new cinematographic courage, I am groping: yes, vampires, yes, serial killers, yes, yes, yes. And yesterday it was the turn of The Exorcist , the classic, the real one.

How is it possible that, being a radical feminist, I hadn’t come across that movie yet? Why haven’t I studied it or seen it in meetings or workshops or anything else?

From now on, when I give gender courses I will start there, like “look, dear Insanas, if you are really going to get into feminism, this is what awaits you”.

To begin with, the movie has the bad taste of starting with the Muslim Shahada, the profession of faith, to place the action first in Iraq, something totally unnecessary if not for racism. Having played Iraqi music they had plenty, but, of course, you have to mix Islam, just in case it sneaks in.

So that? Well, it was not clear to me: I think to say that the antichrist comes from there, when reality has shown that the antichrists go the opposite way to go and loot the natural resources there from here.

That said, what were we going to.

The girl, Regan, is possessed by the devil. And that demon is very clear that it is feminism. Let’s see: the girl slaps every guy who comes near her a blanket. He can’t beat them: everything a guy says is wrong. We have all been there, but then over the years it passes, fortunately, and you begin to distinguish the wheat from the chaff even in a matter of men.

The fact is that she has just read her first feminist book (this is not said by the movie, I say it) and she is trilling. It is turning green, something that has also happened to all of us, and it is getting a bad face that can not be tolerated.

The demon! they say. Not at all: the patriarchy, nice, which is the same, but said more clearly and throwing less balls out. That is what has it green and fried: patriarchy.

As he gets sick of life, he opens his mouth and releases some slimy vomiting roll toads and snakes that make everyone feel terrible and nobody wants to hear them. The normal thing, come on, the feminist experience of a lifetime.

And, of course, everyone is worried about recovering it but, minds, there is no going back here. Once the toads and snakes start, there is no going back.

The film has a climactic moment in which the girl descends the stairs doing the bridge on her back, as well as descending with hands and feet like a cat with her belly up and spitting blood from her mouth. Complicated as hell and to break the neck.

But it’s that feminism does that to you: you can’t do anything like before, not even the simplest things. And you start inventing new ways to do it, and some of them are weird, really. And uncomfortable.

And many of you have to discard them and choose your battles well and tell yourself: look, I’m going to keep going down the stairs as before, but for the record, it seems patriarchal, but it doesn’t give me life to break my neck with this too.

As the girl is smart, in the end she achieves a pact with reality, like every feminist. And he accepts the exorcism (that of going to Christmas dinners, even if it is contrary, which we say in Catalan, reluctantly) but, but! In the process, he burdens a lot of guys. Thus, defenestrated. Which comes to be when you remove the males from your life for good and clean the environment.

So nothing, saving the Islamophobic moment at the beginning, the movie is pure glory.

Happy week, Minds!

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