The Definitive Vegan Menu For The Most Athletic

The plant-based diet provides all the necessary nutrients to exercise with maximum energy. You just have to take into account some planning.
Vegan menu for athletes

Being vegan is fully compatible with practicing sports with maximum performance.

Vegan and vegetarian diets are suitable for all stages of life. They are also valid for sportsmen and athletes.

The energy requirements of athletes are higher, but the needs should not be overestimated. Someone who plays sports for pleasure should not vary their diet. Instead an athlete needs to change their nutrient intake.

Vegan menus for sports

We propose two balanced menus : one for aerobic exercise and the other for strength training.

Aerobic exercise menu

This menu is recommended for a long and low intensity exercise session (running, cycling…).

  • Breakfast: coffee, tea or other infusion with soy drink, accompanied by whole wheat toast with peanut butter.
  • Mid-morning: soy yogurt with a handful of walnuts.
  • Lunch: chickpea stew with spinach, salad and fruit for dessert.
  • Snack: banana with a piece of dark chocolate with more than 80% cocoa.
  • Dinner: quinoa with vegetables and grilled tofu, fruit for dessert.

Strength training menu

Indicated for short and intense efforts, such as bodybuilding or climbing.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with vegetable drink, raisins and nuts.
  • Mid-morning: small glass of hummus with carrot sticks.
  • Food: lentils with vegetables and brewer’s yeast, soy yogurt for dessert.
  • Snack: dried fruit with peanuts and fruit.
  • Dinner: textured soy bolognese lasagna, salad with seeds and fruit for dessert.

Supplements to improve your form

When evaluating what supplements you can consume, you must take into account what nutrients you need and in what doses you should take them.

The beta – alanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is useful in strength sports (weightlifting). It is recommended to consume about 6 g divided into several doses during the day. By increasing strength and power, your workouts will be of better quality. However, it can cause tingling in the hands, which is avoided by dividing the dose in different doses.

The creatine monohydrate helps improve strength, protein synthesis and glycogen synthesis for muscle recovery. The dose is calculated taking into account the body weight: 0.1 g / kg of weight. You can take it both before and after exercise. Its effect increases if you combine it with beta alanine.

These supplements are sold in capsules, they are usually of synthetic production and of vegetable origin. If you want to make sure they are vegan, it is best to buy those that incorporate some certification.

Look at what type of carbohydrates appear in the composition of gels and bars. They must contain fast absorption, which will help you obtain immediate energy (glucose, maltose) and slow absorption, with a continuous effect (fructose, galactose or the new generation, amylose type).

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