The Body Is Wise And Constantly Seeks Our Health

Spontaneously and unconsciously, the body works so that we survive in the best possible conditions.

Our body unconsciously performs most of its biological processes in order to survive with the maximum possible health. That is, it does the best it can even under unfavorable conditions.

The body continuously registers our entire environment, external and internal, but we are only aware of 0.01%. 99.99% of our memory is unconscious : we do not know it is there. However, that unconscious memory marks our health all the time, because our body always takes it into account and responds accordingly.

The body adapts the functioning of the organs according to what it has memorized and what it is registering. Thus, 99.99% of our bodily reactions are unconscious (we do not have to think about them for them to occur) and caused by these unconscious stimuli.

The great importance of unconscious memory

Thus, every emotional or mental event – be it conscious or unconscious, recent or past – is recorded in certain areas of our structure.

Over time this will affect a specific brain area and, through substances such as hormones or neurotransmitters, it will set in motion mechanisms that will modify the functioning of the body.

In life … and in death

The spontaneous and unconscious action of the organism tends to survival, or even death in the best possible conditions when it is understood as a natural process. This unconscious functioning is not only personal but also collective, of the environment that surrounds us and of life.

Most fertilizations take place in this way under the best possible conditions. The woman is attracted in her fertile phase by the healthier appearance, a sign of a strong immune system, and tries to develop a fetus in the best possible conditions for its viability. If not, the body or the collective unconscious rejects it.

Maximum respect for nature and life

We know very little about life and nature. We should have humility to act with the utmost respect in everything. As a doctor, that means following the Hippocratic maxim of not harming or hindering nature is your job to perpetuate yourself. Clearly understand what is good for health and what is not, and do not try to amend nature by doing harm by believing that we are doing good.

How good it would be for us to use the 0.01% of consciousness that we have to understand, respect and improve the unconscious 99.99% of life! To be very attentive and to be able to enjoy every moment of the unconscious wonder of life.

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