The 2-list Technique To Overcome Depression

A simple exercise to help us get out of depression is to write lists of things that make us feel good and things that make us feel bad.
write lists to overcome depression

When you are depressed you feel lonely and you think that nobody suffers as you are suffering. You are so afraid of looking crazy that you keep it all quiet, and you are so afraid that others will take you for strange that you shut yourself up and do not talk about what is happening to you.

This attitude is a shame, And it is a mistake. Because talking about it helps. Words – spoken or written – connect us to the world, to others, and to our true selves.

When one is not able to speak, one can always resort to writing. With these words that I am writing now, I want to convince you that the bottom of the valley never offers you the best views. And that words, sometimes, can set you free.

A simple formula against depression

Once the writing process has started, you will see that everything is less difficult than you imagined. But it may happen that even writing your experiences is impossible.

That is why I propose that you start with something very simple: make two lists with everything you know that makes you feel good and what makes you feel bad. I copy you, as an example, mine.

What makes me feel worse

  1. The coffee.
  2. Not being able to sleep.
  3. Darkness.
  4. Cold.
  5. September.
  6. October.
  7. Mid afternoon.
  8. The rhythm of contemporary existence.
  9. Bad posture.
  10. Being away from my loved ones.
  11. Sitting too long.
  12. Advertising.
  13. Feeling ignored.
  14. Wake up at three in the morning.
  15. Television.
  16. Bananas (I’m not really sure about this, maybe it’s a coincidence).
  17. The alcohol.
  18. Facebook (sometimes).
  19. Twitter (sometimes).
  20. Delivery times.
  21. Review what I write.
  22. Difficult decisions (for example, what socks to wear).
  23. Get physically ill.
  24. Thinking that I feel depressed (the most vicious of circles).
  25. Not drinking enough water.
  26. Check my position on Amazon.
  27. Check the position of other writers on Amazon.
  28. Go alone to a social event.
  29. Traveling by train.
  30. The hotel rooms.
  31. Being alone.

What makes me feel better

  1. Summer.
  2. To sleep.
  3. Write.
  4. Eat well.
  5. Take long baths or showers.
  6. Movies of the 80s.
  7. Listen to music.
  8. Facebook (sometimes).
  9. Twitter (sometimes).
  10. Go out for a walk for a long time.
  11. Prepare burritos.
  12. Clear walls and skies.
  13. The spacious rooms.
  14. Do something altruistic.
  15. The smell of bread.
  16. Put on clean clothes (come on, I’m a writer, and this is less common than you think).
  17. Knowing that someone else will be able to read these words and that, perhaps, the pain I felt was not in vain.

The important thing is that you write

These are my lists, which also tend to change.

The important thing now is that you are the one who writes yours.

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