Summer Fruit Pop Salad

In summer, fruits offer us an exceptional nutritional concentration. Add them to your salad and enjoy a wide variety of flavors.
Summer salad

Summer is the time of fruit, which offers us not only biological water with which to hydrate ourselves in the most natural way possible, but also the most powerful antioxidants to take care of ourselves and feel good.

In all seasons, we can accompany them with tender green leaves. They will improve their digestibility and will complement them with the extra magnesium provided by their chlorophyll, as well as with other minerals and vitamins.

The summer fruit is of a more intense color. It has received the sun for a longer time and has matured easily on the plant, so it has absorbed more nutrients. The intensity of the color of fruits and vegetables reveals this abundance.

When seasoning, we can simply add the juice of some seasonal fruit –pear, apple or lemon–, or give a personal touch with a special vinaigrette, and thus we do not forget to include healthy essential fatty acids.

Summer fruit salad recipe

Enjoy this curly salad, alkalizing and full of color and flavor.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 1 large endive
  • 2 cups of black grape cut into slices
  • 4 apricots, skinned and well washed
  • 1 handful of apricot seeds (or chopped almonds)
  • 8 figs or fresh figs
  • cherries to taste
  • fresh lychees to taste

For the dressing

  • 1 shallot, peeled
  • 2 tablespoons of hemp or virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • fresh rosemary
  • a few threads of saffron


  1. Soak the endive for about five minutes in a large bowl of water with a handful of salt and about ten ice cubes, then rinse to remove the salt. This is great for washing vegetables, while ice leaves them crisp and fresh.
  2. Serve a base of escarole and distribute the fresh figs or figs cut into quarters, the apricots halved, the pitted cherries and the grape cut into slices.
  3. Sprinkle with apricot seeds or almonds and season.
  4. To prepare the dressing, chop the shallot and the rosemary leaves with a knife (do not pass them through a mincer or blender or they will become bitter). Mix with the rest of the ingredients in a glass jar with a lid and shake well.

The benefits of each ingredient

  • Endive: folate, iron, and vitamin C abound in this antianemic salad leaf. Its bitter point also makes it very digestive.
  • Apricots: they take care of your skin and fight oxidation thanks to their richness in provitamin A. They also provide you with iron.
  • Cherries: purifying and anti-inflammatory, they are rich in melatonin, which favors a night’s rest.
  • Fresh figs: at the start of the summer you will have the figs ; towards the end, the figs. They provide calcium, iron, B vitamins, and lots of fiber.
  • Lychees: this juicy fruit not only adds an exotic touch to this Mediterranean salad. Each lychee is also a little vitamin C bomb.
  • Black grape: it is rich in antioxidants, such as resveratrol and anthocyanins. It provides energy that is easy to assimilate and is considered antihistamine.
  • Dressing: in addition to providing varied aromas, it will make the dish more digestive and nutritious.

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