Summer And Children, Prepare This Natural First Aid Kit Now!

Blows, small wounds, diarrhea … Luckily there are effective natural remedies to alleviate the common ailments of children on vacation.
Natural remedies for children ailments

The summer season is a change in the lives of the little ones. They often visit new places, are more in contact with nature and try different foods. These occasions to have fun are not exempt from the risk of suffering a mishap. Having a medicine cabinet on hand is always convenient.

Natural remedies for the 6 most common ailments

The first aid kit that we propose takes up little space and can cover a good part of the problems that usually arise on vacation.

It consists of 9 homeopathic remedies (Apis, Arnica, Belladonna, Cocculus, Hypericum, Ignatia, Ledum, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendrum), a bottle of lavender essential oil, another of calendula mother tincture (Calendula TM), charcoal and eye drops Oculoheel.

The remedies can be purchased in pharmacies at potency 5 or 7CH (except Ignatia 200K). The dose will be 3 granules that are melted in the mouth, separated from meals for at least 15 minutes. The frequency depends on the intensity of the symptoms, from every 15 minutes to 2-3 times a day, spacing the feedings as you improve.

For the blows and the blows

The arnica covers most problems due to trauma. It causes bleeding to be reabsorbed and relieves pain. It is indicated in injuries caused by contusions or blows, bruises, sprains of tendons and ligaments, sprains of the wrist, ankle or foot, head trauma and nosebleeds after a blow.

If the child crushes his fingers or falls on the tailbone, he can take Hypericum. Also if you suffer a bite, but applying lavender essential oil alternated with calendula tincture TM.

For tummy ache

The dreaded diarrhea : whatever its origin, charcoal will be useful . Also if the child suffers from gas.

In front of indigestion, with belching or diarrhea, by fatty foods or ice cream, Pulsatilla is useful.

On vehicle travel, Cocculus will provide relief from nausea and vomiting. It is also useful when there is vertigo.

For scratches, stings, or rashes

In wounds, scratches or peels, you can use washes or dressings with calendula tincture, lavender essence or both, alternating them. The same in insect bites.

Apis relieves bee stings, allergic reactions and burns with pink and swollen skin that welcome the cold.

In reddish rashes such as urticaria or vesicles, such as cold sores, we can use Rhus tox. Punctures: Ledum helps in wounds caused by nails, thorns, splinters, barbs …

Against viruses and bacteria

Pulsatilla can be helpful in colds with non-irritating thick nasal discharge, otitis with pressing pain, inflammation of the eyelids, styes or acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, with itching and burning. In the latter, also apply drops of Oculoheel.

For pharyngitis or tonsillitis, Belladonna will be useful, especially if there is a redness in the throat and it is difficult to swallow. Also in case of sudden high fever, red face and very thirsty.

In skin infections, applying calendula TM is the most indicated.

For digestive infections, let’s not forget the usefulness of taking charcoal.

For nerves

When the child is frightened, startled or fearful, some Ignatia granules will calm his mood, especially if there are neurovegetative symptoms: tremors, palpitations, sighs, difficulty swallowing.

With lavender essential oil, which has a relaxing effect, you can gently massage the temples or abdomen of the child or baby if they are nervous or have insomnia.

Stop the pain and the bumps

For muscle pain or stiffness from exercise or long walks, Arnica is indicated, especially if there is fatigue and pain to the touch.

Hypericum relieves pain from wounds and bruises in highly innervated areas, such as fingers and toes. In the face of pain due to sprains (shoulders, wrists, knee, ankle), Rhus tox is recommended.

Belladonna will be useful in a congestive, throbbing headache that worsens with light. This symptom can accompany a fever or an excess of sun. ?

3 great multipurpose natural remedies

Always have them at hand. They are fast, safe and easy to use.

Lavender essential oil

  • Properties: in external use it is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing.
  • When it is indicated: in burns, wounds, sores, insect bites and bites. Or as a nerve relaxant.
  • How to use it: it can be applied directly to the skin without diluting it, or dilute 20 drops in a glass of warm boiled water and use it as a lotion or in compresses on the damaged areas.


  • Properties: due to its adsorption capacity, it frees the digestive system of microbes and toxins quickly and safely.
  • When it is indicated: in diarrhea, gases, infectious diseases and poisoning by food, drugs or chemicals.
  • How to use: in tablets, capsules or powder. Depending on the severity, take between 5 and 20 g per day divided into three doses.

Calendula mother tincture

  • Properties: it is disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and healing.
  • When it is indicated: in wounds, burns, pus, ulcerations and insect bites.
  • How to use: 25 drops are dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water and applied as a wash, lotion or dressing 2-3 times a day. Another option is a calendula cream, but it has less plant concentration and is not suitable on wounds.

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