Self-check: What Comes Out Of Your Body Says A Lot About Your Health

The appearance of urine, feces and sweat are indicative of your good or bad health
How to know your health status

It is said that health is the silence of the body. But there are a series of pathologies, generally chronic, that in the initial stages do not give important symptoms. If our mood is good, we can assess our physical condition, based on easy-to-identify symptoms. We can start by finding out if our levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar and hormones are in an adequate range, and if the different organs are working well.

We must not forget to go to the doctor from time to time for a check-up, especially after 40 years. From this age, it will not hurt to have a blood test every two or three years. In addition to the variables mentioned, liver or kidney tests give us a fairly accurate indication of what may be cooking in our body.

7 signs to know your health status

In addition to going to the doctor when symptoms appear, we can also observe the appearance of our skin, mouth, urine or feces on a daily basis, as they reflect our health.

1. What color is your urine?

Urine serves to regulate internal homeostasis and blood components, from which it derives directly. We have to urinate several times a day, the emission must be pleasant and its color must be adequate. • A dark, brownish, very yellow urine may indicate an overload of the kidneys or the presence of blood due to an infection if it is reddish.

Urine infections are favored by poor hygiene or taking too long. Drinking enough water is the premise to avoid them. ?

An increase in the frequency of visits to the bathroom (more than 4-6 a day) suggests a urine irritation or infection (it can be distinguished by a simple urine test). In diseases such as diabetes, elevations in blood sugar often cause the need to urinate a lot.

2. How are your stools?

The constipation (hard stools, often equal to or less than one a day) is a common problem. Moving little and taking in little fiber and high calories makes stools less, harder, and more difficult to pass.

But constipation is a problem of the first order, since it hinders circulation, increases the risk of varicose veins, cholesterol, liver problems, skin disorders, etc. And it’s one of the easiest disorders to fix: increasing fiber, drinking more, and exercising more.

The emission must be easy, not painful, not explosive. Constipation and diarrhea cause difficulties that you don’t have to get used to. We must react and change habits. ?

In some cases, diarrhea appears after ingesting some food to which we are sensitive. We have to discover the culprit without becoming obsessed with information about intolerances, allergies and foods forbidden for life.

The discard stools, unformed, also indicate an eating problem. They tell us about insufficient digestion. We should weigh in these cases if what affects us the most are fats or fried foods, fruits or sugars.

The appearance of blood in the stool should be consulted with the doctor. If it is observed at the end of the defecation it generally indicates the presence of hemorrhoids. Keep in mind that if you eat foods like beets or spinach, the stools may turn black. ? ?

3. The sweat

The smell of sweat is another clue: it is a sign that internal waste substances are being removed in abundance through the pores. To some extent, this elimination must be promoted with exercise and drinking fluids.

Baths with oatmeal or blackberry leaves can be done to regulate sweating, if it is considered excessive.

4. The skin

The skin is the border with the external environment. It is also our image. But we do not have to look at whether we have more or less warts or scars. We mean skin health in bigger words.

The reaction to cold or heat indicates the state of circulation. A well-irrigated skin responds better to changes in temperature and proves that circulation will also be good in the legs, in the brain, in the digestive system …

People who endure colder days very badly may suffer from an excess of vegetative nervous tone. They have “the nerves to the surface” and the reaction to the cold is usually quite poor. The advice is that they should calm down a bit on a day-to-day basis.

How do we distinguish a spot from a tumor?

Sometimes we don’t know if a mole or a spot is benign or not. Let’s see the “ABCDE” of the characteristics to take into account in a skin freckle: Asymmetry, Bulge, Color (more than one color, sometimes turning purple), Diameter and Evolution (when it grows). The existence of three or more of these characteristics should lead us to the dermatologist to discover skin cancer in time.

6. The eyes

The expression on the face tells us a lot. The bulging eyes might suggest some hormonal problem, such as hyperthyroidism. The forehead wrinkles express concern. A relaxed face indicates less tendency to contractures, and possibly to diseases modulated by the nervous system, such as gastritis, asthma and menstrual pain …

7. The teeth and tongue

Said the Dr. Theron Randolph, dentist, the tooth has been directly related to physical health and especially with connective system and joints. That is why taking care of your teeth is taking care of your general health. The teeth should be intact until the age of 50, after that age it is not uncommon to suffer from periodontitis and lose some part, but this appearance is delayed with appropriate habits.

The decay reveal poor eating habits, particularly excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates and mineral deficiencies.

The presence of canker sores or sores often speaks of a deficiency in wound healing or defenses. In all these cases, if we do not solve the cause, we will hardly fix the consequence.

The bad breath is often due to a lack of oral hygiene, but often comes from below and is typical of people with gastritis or liver conditions. The presence of coating (whitish layer) on the back of the tongue announces some inflammatory process of the esophagus or stomach, while if it is towards the tip it is related to liver or intestinal affections.

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