Selenium Strengthens Defenses And Improves Mood

Selenium is an essential trace element because we need to get it from food to maintain health. It is an antioxidant mineral and participates in countless physiological processes.
selenium foods

We need selenium to feel emotionally balanced and to have defenses against many diseases. It is necessary, for example, for the synthesis of selenoproteins, enzymes that participate in a process as important as communication between neurons.

A selenium deficiency can lead to poor mood, mental confusion, or anxiety. It is also a catalyst for the production of active thyroid hormone. In addition, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system and for sperm motility, and reduces the risk of miscarriage.

In some studies, low selenium intake is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases in general, although the results of some trials suggest that this would affect people with specific genetic peculiarities.

10 questions about selenium, an essential nutrient

One in two Spaniards does not get a sufficient daily dose of selenium, according to a study published in The Lancet. To avoid deficiency in a vegetarian diet, it is essential to consume legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains daily. Symptoms of deficiency are tiredness, poor concentration, brittle nails and hair, muscle weakness, or a tendency to catch a cold frequently.

1. What foods are rich in selenium?

In addition to Brazil nuts, oats and brown rice (39 mcg in 100 g), shiitake (24.8 mcg in 100 g) and chia seeds (10 mcg in 30 g) are also rich in selenium, flax (7 mcg in 30 g) and sesame (12 mcg in 30 g). In less quantity it is also found in legumes (especially white beans and lentils), broccoli or garlic.

2. How much selenium do we need per day?

According to the European Food Safety Authority, the RDA for women and men ages 19 to 70 is 55 mcg. For adolescent and pregnant women the dose increases up to 70 mcg per day (in some countries it is slightly more). These amounts can be achieved with a good selection of foods.

3. What happens if you are deficient in selenium?

The consequences are diverse. It emphasizes that they increase the damage that free radicals produce in the tissues and that not enough thyroid hormone can be produced. If there is a proven deficiency, it is advisable to take a suitable supplement under professional supervision.

4. How is selenium deficiency diagnosed?

To assess the nutritional status, blood levels are not measured, which depend on the last intakes, but a mineral analysis of the hair is requested. But do not wait for a test to include enough variety and quantity of foods rich in this mineral.

5. How does selenium work on thyroid function?

It is involved in the formation of the thyroid hormone T3 and protects the gland against the action of free radicals. These compounds increase the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, which can damage the delicate tissues of the thyroid.

6. What does the absorption of selenium depend on?

Food contains organic selenium, which is better absorbed from the gut than the inorganic found in most supplements. If we take a supplement, a good option is to choose yeast capsules or tablets grown in a medium rich in selenium.

7. How does it affect immunity?

The ability to synthesize defensive cells such as natural killers or phagocytes, which defend us from pathogens and eliminate precancerous cells, decreases with an insufficient level of selenium. In addition, an optimal level improves the anti-inflammatory response.

8. Is selenium important for fertility?

Selenium deficiency is associated with reduced reproductive capacity. Selenium is involved in the formation of testosterone, improves sperm mobility and stimulates sperm formation. Moreover, it reduces the risk of miscarriage.

9. Is an excess of selenium harmful?

It can be. Some symptoms that we take too much selenium are gastrointestinal upset, skin lesions that become infected, metallic taste in the mouth, and garlic-smelling breath, due to the expiration of dimethyl selenide. It is recommended not to take more than 400 mcg daily.

10. Is supplementation recommended?

A good selenium supplement should contain seleniomethionine, since in this format the body can absorb up to 90%. Keep in mind that supplements can interfere with some medications, so it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

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