Sea Or Mountain? Which Vacation Destination Is Healthier?

The sea and mountains affect health in different ways. You can take this into account when choosing your vacation destination.
Woman with flowers in the mountain

When it comes to vacations and which is the place that offers more possibilities for relaxation, tastes are very divergent. For some, there is nothing better than contemplating the majestic valleys and landscapes from the viewpoint of a mountain.

Others are more drawn to the endless blue horizon, the waves, and the sand. In addition to relaxation, the sea and the mountains have many things to offer to promote health.

How the sea benefits health

The breeze, solar radiation, health, heat and humidity that occur near the sea are a unique combination.

When you walk by the sea, you breathe in the marine spray that contains drops of salty water, which penetrate the nasopharynx to the alveoli where they counteract many symptoms of respiratory diseases, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis or sinusitis.

The positive effects of salt are also reflected on the skin. You don’t even have to go swimming to benefit. During a walk, up to two grams of salt accumulate on the skin with anti-inflammatory effects. People with skin conditions such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, or psoriasis can especially benefit.

Allergy sufferers also benefit from the fact that the air by the sea is poor in pollen and other pollutants, which provides some relief.

In summer, the Mediterranean Sea, with light winds and very warm temperatures, is essentially relaxing and favors the reduction of blood pressure. On the other hand, in winter or near a cold sea, such as the Atlantic, the effect is stimulating, and the tension can increase somewhat.

Finally, the sun’s radiation triggers the formation of vitamin D, which regulates immunity.

Mountains are a fountain of youth

The altitude with respect to the sea explains a good part of the benefits of staying in the mountains.

The higher you get, the purer and healthier the air is, as the concentration of pollutants decreases with each meter of altitude. This benefits allergy sufferers and people with respiratory problems, as pollen, house dust mites, mold and other allergens are significantly reduced. An altitude of more than 1000 meters is ideal.

Some athletes train above 2,000 meters of altitude because by reducing the oxygen concentration, the body reacts with a greater absorption of oxygen, better blood circulation in the lungs and an increase in defenses. In medical terminology, this effect is called “erythropoiesis.”

The number of red blood cells increases significantly and the blood cells optimally transport oxygen to the tissues. Consequently the body experiences a remarkable strengthening.

The high mountain climate is exhilarating and can be stressful for people with cardiovascular disease. Heart rate and blood pressure rise in the mountains.

For people who do not suffer from these types of problems, the mountain improves the quality and duration of sleep .

On the other hand, the mountain climate is recommended for people with chronic and recurrent skin and lung diseases.

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