Rebalancing: Well-being For Body, Mind And Spirit

Release your blocks through various manual techniques and also by the attitude and presence of a trained therapist
Rebalancing massage

Rebalancing is a deep method of body work that combines different manual techniques, work on emotions and the importance of the therapist’s attitude. The result is an effective therapy to maintain an integral balance, of body, emotions and mind, which prevents and alleviates alterations of all kinds.

Rebalancing techniques

  • Deep tissue massage : it consists of applying pressure on the deep muscle layers, from the tendons to the connective tissue, with the idea of ​​unblocking possible alterations.
  • Relaxing massage : in the session, the therapist performs manipulations with the hands, forearms and elbows (pressure, stretching, sliding, kneading, rhythmic rocking …) that are carried out in sync with the breath. The expert’s hands work gently through long, integrating movements that promote physical and emotional well-being, as well as the union between body and mind.
  • Muscle stretching : they exert a tension in the opposite direction to the contraction so that the muscles relax.
  • Joint Release : This involves performing a gentle maneuver to release the joint attachments in the spine, sacrum, pelvis, and rib cage. It is performed on soft tissues and does not cause the “crackles” of other techniques.
  • “Rocking” techniques : subtle movements induce relaxation and improve agility in body movements.
  • Postural integration and myofascial techniques: they act on the fasciae, very resistant connective tissues that extend throughout the body as a three-dimensional network, to improve the function and interrelation of muscles, blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves. It is in the fascia where the first symptoms of muscle stiffness, fibrosis, retractions, painful points begin to be noticed … With this technique an almost immediate reaction of the muscle tissue is achieved that is not achieved with conventional massage.
  • Somoto-emotional unscrewing technique : it is about following the movement inherent in the tissues to release tension residues, whether due to physical or emotional trauma from the past.

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