Overcome Jet-lag And Regain Balance

Do you have to work as soon as you land? Recover the energy that jet lag takes away with these routines
Overcome jet-lag

Many of us travel during the summer to go on vacation, or perhaps you have a job that constantly requires getting on and off the plane (like me, crossing the Atlantic from one side of the Atlantic to the other) and dealing with schedule changes.

How to reduce jet-lag

If you are one of those who have to get to work as soon as you land here, I share with you some of my routines to recover from the energy that the famous jet-lags take away from us.

1. Meditation and yoga

Start the day with a little meditation (although I am aware that you have a thousand and one things to do, stopping a second to meditate, it will help you organize your mind and see everything more clearly, not to overwhelm you).

Practice yoga at home. A gentle practice, with many poses on the ground, with your feet firmly on the ground and torsion twists, like the warrior or cow-cat positions. Asanas where you work and contract your Mula Bandha, an energy block according to yoginic practices located in the genital area. Mula means root in Sanskrit, so practicing exercises that stimulate it will help us to re-root ourselves in our home.

It is important to be gentle with our body, not to do too rough postures or too hard exercise routines as soon as you arrive, since your body is in the process of adaptation and you do not want to wear it down any more.

To adjust the hours of sleep, practicing yoga can go very well in two ways, to relax and help us fall asleep earlier, or stimulate our energy if we need to stay awake until later.

If you have trouble sleeping, get into bed with a book, put on meditation music, and use a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow to relax.

If you must stay awake, go outside, take a walk, do outdoor activities, and don’t stay home.

2. Food helps you

We must prepare very simple dishes. We want the digestions to be as easy as possible to focus all our energy on the recovery and purification of the trip. We do not realize it, but we are exposed to a lot of pollutants when we travel, (radiation, fuel fumes, tobacco, food from the airport and airplanes or the road …).

It will be important right away to respect the local meal times and try not to snack too much between meals.

You may not have fresh ingredients in the fridge but you do have a carton of non-dairy almond or rice milk. Prepare a good energy and protein shake by mixing the vegetable milk with a tablespoon of chia seeds and another of hemp seeds. Chia seeds will also help us regulate intestinal transit, something that is usually very altered when we travel and change habits.

Go shopping as soon as you can. Fill your basket with fresh products and do not forget your green leaves and sprouts, so that you can prepare your juice or green smoothie at some time of the day.

If you are hungry between meals, eat fresh fruit rich in water such as watermelon, a very light food that we now have in season.

Find the balance

I love creams and soups whether it’s winter or summer. They are a very easy dish to digest and we usually put vegetable roots such as potato, sweet potato, turnip, pumpkin, beet or carrot. All of them earth foods that help us to root ourselves once more.

When we fly, according to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, we receive a lot of Vatta (air) energy, and to compensate for this we must eat food with a more Kappa (earth and water) nature, so the soup is a perfect option for balance.

3. Hydration

Flying dehydrates the body a lot, so we must rehydrate by drinking spring water, coconut water, lemon-flavored waters, or infusions.

The day after flying is a day not to indulge ourselves too much with food, but to be very aware of what we offer to our body.

4. Treat yourself

Now, a whim that we would deserve is a good body massage. A massage that helps us stimulate the lymphatic system.

When we travel, we put a lot of stress on the body, muscles and nerves, and the nervous system is directly related to the hormonal and immune system, so make an appointment for a good massage or what better, have your partner surprise you with one.

So far I can only tell you one thing Welcome home!

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