Manuka Honey, The Natural Elixir Against Acne

The properties of manuka honey make it a natural option to treat acne without side effects.
Manuka honey for acne

We can easily find many products to treat acne. Most are based on active antibiotic principles such as benzoyl peroxide, which are sometimes effective, but other times favor the appearance of resistant acne.

Manuka honey ( Leptospermum scoparium ), which can be found in pharmacies specialized in herbal natural products, is one of the natural and effective alternatives.

This honey is produced by bees that collect nectar from indigenous manuka trees in New Zealand and Australia.

Antibacterial properties for pimples

Local populations have used it for medicinal purposes for thousands of years and scientific studies have proven its efficacy in the treatment of infections thanks to the presence in its composition of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory molecules such as methylglyoxal and leptosperine.

Research like that of Dr. Manisha Deb Mandal indicates that manuka honey can fight around 60 species of bacteria.

This antimicrobial activity makes it useful to fight acne, to which some bacteria present on the skin contribute.

The sugar content, low pH and the ability of manuka honey to absorb moisture are other factors that explain its effectiveness.

How to use Manuka honey against acne

It can be used in various ways. We will comment on some of them:

  • As a local treatment: apply a small amount of Manuka honey to a pimple or pimple and allow it to dry.
  • Like a mask: mix a little honey with lemon juice to obtain a paste, apply it on the affected areas and leave it to act for 15 minutes or until it dries. Then wash the skin with clean water.
  • Like a cleanser: take a pea-sized amount of manuka and massage it into it for one minute. Then wash yourself.

Worse, before applying the honey, check that it does not produce any allergic reaction.

To do this, apply it on a small piece of skin on the inside of the arm and check if any type of irritation appears (itching, hives, redness) in the next 24 hours.

Other natural acne treatments

If manuka honey doesn’t work for you (conventional medications don’t always work either), you can try other natural options.

Dermatologists at the Mayo Clinic recommend gels with 5% tea tree essential oil, which can be just as effective as those made with benzoyl peroxide.

Dr. Andrew Weil, an expert in integrative medicine and author of several books, proposes a complete treatment that includes applications on the skin and dietary measures:

  • Apply calendula flower milk, oil, or water.
  • Take one or two capsules of Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous) daily, as it has been shown to be effective in many cases of acne.
  • Don’t touch the pimples.
  • Wash regularly with a natural glycerin soap, without scrubbing your face.
  • Reduce or eliminate the consumption of dairy products, since having more than two servings of skim milk is associated with a 22% to 44% increase in the risk of developing severe acne.
  • Increase the daily servings of fruits and vegetables, rich in antioxidant elements.
  • Include ingredients rich in omega-3s such as ground flax seeds or walnuts in the menus. They have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

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