It Does Not Give Us Life. So We Have To Go Back To The Small And The Intimate

When we stop. We see the absurdity of all this. We see that it matters to have one size or another. What does it matter to get angry over bullshit. What does it matter if a cup breaks?
Does not give us life

He does not give us life for everything we have to do.
There is always time, we say.
But the days go by.
And those plans remain in all the things that we did not do.
Those things that we were putting off.
The trip around the world, that visit, this call, the reunion or learning something.
Everything we wanted to fix.
The plug, the lost relationship, the grindstone.

But time is the only thing that has no regard.
Time is a tire that comes off the car and keeps going down even if we hit the brakes.
Time is the most limited we have.
And yet they make us believe that we are infinite.
That we will be forever.

They make us forget that we will die.
So that we continue to produce in a specific way.
So that we continue to consume in a specific way.
So that we give importance to things that are important to others.
Things that others benefit from.

But if we stop.
When we stop.
We see the absurdity of all this.
We see that it matters to have one size or another.
What does it matter to get angry over bullshit.
What does it matter if a cup breaks?

They don’t want us to stop because when we stop we could look inside ourselves.
And looking inside is the first step to question what is on the outside.
It does not give us life.
That is why it is necessary to return to the small and the intimate.
We have to return to the amazement of this instant.
To here.
And again.

Clinging to this magic that supposes to know that we are always and at all times alive and alive.
Only from that consciousness.
From the fire of existence.
We will be able to value having a coffee the same as visiting Paris.
We can value an insignificant talk with our mother as much as talking with a singer we admire.
We will be able to value the light that enters through the window as well as the fireworks.
We will be able to value solitude the same as the crowd.

Only from there.
From this flame that is to exist.
In spite of everything and everyone.
We can make life.
Give us everything.

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