How You Can Save With The New Electricity Bill

As of June 1, a new electricity billing mode is applied that allows saving if we consume electricity at certain hours and on weekends .
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If you want to save money on electricity, you should know the changes that will be applied to the bill from June 1 and that will affect all homes in Spain. On this day, a new invoice model (2.0 TD) comes into force that incorporates changes in the price structure and time frames.

The theoretical objective of the new rate is for citizens to consume electricity in the time slots where there is now less demand, because in this way the amount can be reduced.

The proportion of fixed parts in the total bill decreases, and the variable part, which depends on consumption, increases.

With this new design it is possible to save by shifting consumption to the cheap tranches, but the government has recognized that it cannot be guaranteed that the total amounts will be reduced in all cases.

Consume in the time slot that interests you to pay less

Customers may choose the rate offered by their distributor in the free market or benefit from the regulated market with the Voluntary Price for Small Consumer (PVPC). In this second option, the price is determined based on supply and demand, which in many cases is cheaper.

What are the new billing time frames?

The new electricity bill will apply price discrimination to all consumers and establishes three time bands for domestic users (with contracts of less than 15 kW) with PVPC.

The sections are called “punta”, “llano” and “valle”:

  • The “peak” period will be the most expensive from 10 am to 2 pm and from 6 pm to 10 pm on weekdays.
  • The “plain”, with an intermediate cost, goes from 8 to 10 hours; from 14 to 18 hours; and between 22 and 24 hours).
  • The “valley” rate, the cheapest, will run from midnight to 8 am and all hours on weekends and holidays.

In Ceuta and Melilla, the periods begin and end an hour later, except when the flat time is applied between 11 and 24 hours.

Families that reduce their consumption in rush hour and increase it in flat valley hours can save about 5 euros per month, according to Ingebau, a consultancy specialized in the electricity market.

In practice, most of the savings can be achieved by shifting consumption to the evening and especially to the weekend. For example, running a washing machine on Sunday is up to two and a half times cheaper than doing it on a weekday at noon.

To use it with more knowledge, you can consult, through the customer area of ​​your electricity company’s website, the load curve, a graph where you can see how electricity consumption develops on a specific day and at what time of the day. day is older.

Two powers can be hired

Until now, each consumer could only contract a maximum power. As of June 1, two powers can be requested to be awarded to different time slots.

In this way, request a higher power at specific times for the use of heat pumps or domestic recharging of electric cars during the valley strip. Promoting the electric car and self-consumption are two objectives of the new bill.

In any case, to save, it is advisable to hire the minimum power possible (most homes have more than they need, and they are paying for it).

Save with photovoltaic panels

Installing photovoltaic panels on your balcony, terrace or roof is probably the best strategy to save money. The monthly savings in the bills can be quite important and also with non-polluting energy.

A simpler invoice

Another change that is implemented as of June 1 affects the invoice format, which will be shorter and more understandable: its length will be reduced to two pages and will incorporate new information such as the maximum powers that each consumer has demanded in each of the time periods in the last year.

The new invoice includes a QR code to access a comparator of energy offers on the website of the National Markets and Competition Commission.

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