How To Plant A Tree In 5 Steps

Plant a tree, or several. There is nothing more comforting than giving back to nature a small part of everything that it generously offers us.
How to plant a tree

If you enjoy walking through nature, if you like forests … maybe you should do your bit and plant one or more trees.

5 steps to plant a tree

Not just any tree will work, experts warn of the need to plant native trees. These are the ones that are best adapted to the conditions of the soil, humidity or climate.

It is also advisable that they come from nurseries in the area, which have a guarantee of genetic quality.

1. The place and time

Choose a warm day, without wind and start work preferably in the middle of the afternoon, so that the seedling has time to adapt to the new soil before enduring the midday sun.

Pick an area with bushes to plant nearby.

2. The right hole

It should not be very large, so that there is not much evaporation. A general guideline is to triple the volume of the pot.

3. Take it out of the pot

If the roots are stuck in the pot, feel free to cut or break it to remove the root ball.

Take care so that the plant is not damaged.

4. Place it in the hole

Moisten the root ball well and sink it in enough to bury the roots. Fill with the soil that you have removed, but free of other roots or sticks.

Compact it with your hands and then with your foot so that there are no air pockets.

5. Protect it from animals

A protection around one meter high will suffice to prevent animals from damaging it.

Putting a guard on it will help it grow straight.

Better to plant several trees than just one

If you plant a group of trees, spread them about 10 feet apart so that they all receive good light.

But no more, since, isolated, they cannot communicate through the roots or the volatile chemicals that they secrete.

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