How To Get The Most Out Of Your Oatmeal Porridge

Oatmeal porridge is an energetic, healthy and delicious breakfast, especially if you prepare it with ingredients loaded with nutrients and flavor.
Oat porridge

Porridge or oatmeal porridge is a preparation that has become fashionable in recent years as an option for breakfast.

The truth is that it is a very interesting recipe, both for the variations it allows and for the ways of preparing it.

Porridge was formerly made by cooking flour (from almortas, wheat, oats, etc.) with milk to form a paste of medium consistency, it was sweetened with sugar and toppings such as pieces of toast were added, which were used for the leftovers. of other foods.

The preparation of porridge or oatmeal is similar, but using fine oat flakes, and preferably adding seasonal fruits.

3 ways to prepare your oatmeal porridge

Let’s start with the ways to prepare them. They can be prepared in various ways, with or without cooking, depending on whether you like them more or the time you have:

1. Prepare the porridge at night and have it ready in the morning

This is what is known as overnight oats and it simply consists of mixing the rolled oats and the vegetable drink in a bowl and leaving it in the fridge until the next morning.

During this time, the oats will absorb the liquid and become soft, while releasing starches to the vegetable drink, making the whole set creamier.

In addition, pieces of fruit can be added to rest and release juice : strawberries, raspberries, banana, etc.

This is the fastest and easiest way to do it.

It does not require cooking and can be eaten as is, because if you do not want you can consume them without heating.

2. If you prefer them warm and at the moment

You can prepare a soft porridge or porridge itself. To make them you only need a vegetable drink (whatever you want) or water and the flaked oats.

Use fine porridge, because the finer the oats, the finer the porridge will also be. And follow these steps:

  1. If you are not going to overdo it, choose in which bowl or bowl you are going to serve them (although if you do too much you can always keep it in the fridge).
  2. For each cup of vegetable drink, prepare 4 tablespoons of flaked oats.
  3. Put everything in a non-stick saucepan over medium-low heat and stir occasionally.
  4. When it boils, turn it to a minimum and keep stirring until it has the texture you like. The longer it is, the denser it will be.
  5. Take it out and serve it.

3. Express version of microwave oatmeal porridge

In the microwave, as we cannot stir while it is done, we have to be a little careful, but it is just as simple:

  1. Put the vegetable drink and oatmeal in a bowl larger than the one you are going to use to serve and stir.
  2. Put it in the microwave for 2 minutes on high or maximum power (600 W).
  3. After those 2 minutes, stop it and stir.
  4. Put it back in for another 2 minutes.
  5. Take it out and stir it one more time.
  6. If you have too much liquid, you can put it in for 1-2 more minutes.

Add extra texture to your oatmeal porridge

The texture of the oatmeal will depend on the ratio of oat flakes to liquid, the type of flakes, the kind of liquid and the toppings that we put.

The type of flake

The fine rolled oats that are sold in any supermarket are very good for making porridge. They are small cups made with whole oats, very soft.

You can also find thicker rolled oats and flaked oats, which is the whole grain that is flattened. These options also work. They tend to be fuller and fuller.

You can mix different types of flaked oats if you want. Remember that the thicker they are, the longer they take to hydrate and cook.

The proportion of liquid

As a liquid you can use water, although you will have a slightly bland porridge.

Better to enrich everything with a vegetable drink that you like. For example, you can use unsweetened soy drink, which is high in protein, or rice drink, which is naturally sweet, or coconut milk, which is super dense and silky.

The more watery the vegetable drink, the looser the oats, and the denser, the creamier the porridge.

With coconut milk you will have aromatic and very silky porridge thanks to the fats present in the coconut.

Add yogurt

Especially if you are going to drink it warm or cold. Add, for example, half unsweetened soy yogurt (or a whole one) and mix well.

It will add a super creamy flavor and texture to your porridge, in addition to the ferments it contains.

Fruit purees

The fleshy fruits such as bananas are great. Instead of putting them into pieces you can beat them with the mixer or crush them with a fork, add them to the porridge and stir well. In this way you sweeten them and give flavor to the chosen fruit.

Also try strawberries, plums, peaches, loquats, etc.

Modify the texture with seeds

The chia seed and linseed have the peculiarity of thickening the liquid in which the carbohydrate to leave free mucilaginous texture.

Instead of choosing between oatmeal porridge or chia porridge, you can mix both. Use the usual amount of oatmeal and add 1 teaspoon of chia seeds. The longer it sits, the better.

This effect is also achieved by heating it, so if you make your porridge over the fire add the seeds along with the oats.

Nut creams

Peanut butter, tahini, cashew cream… Try adding 1 tablespoon and mixing well.

The texture and flavor change a lot and make it much richer, as well as satiating. With these creams, all kinds of fruits combine very well, so you don’t have to choose between one thing and another.

Finish with one toppings

Once your oatmeal porridge is made, put on top everything you like and feel like, or the textures that you find pleasant.

For example, for a crunchy touch, use dried fruits such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or pistachios. You can also add some toasted sesame seeds.

To give more flavor and color, mix seasonal fruits in pieces: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, medlars, apples, pears, bananas … Add the amount you want.

If you want to sweeten it, add very sweet fruits such as dates, figs, ripe banana (with brown skin), ripe strawberries, etc. You can also add dried fruits such as raisins and dried apricots.

For other flavors, use pure cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, star anise … spices such as cardamom and star anise release more flavor if we immerse them in the liquid for a while and / or heat it (they are perfect for both hot porridge as for overnight oats ). Just remember to take them out later.

Lemon and orange peel work in a similar way to spices. Take out some slices of lemon peel with the vegetable peeler and dip them in your porridge; An amazing scent will remain!

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