How Chinese Medicine Treats Low Back Pain

Pain in the lower back can have many different causes. Finding the root of the problem will help you find an optimal solution.

The pain spathe affecting the lumbar area is very complex and its origins and causes. It is not necessary to draw “mathematical” conclusions in this type of ailments, since health is not always an exact formula, and as is well stated: “There are no diseases but only patients to treat”.

The Chinese medicine considers the lumbar as the palace or mansion kidney part, and kidneys as organs that regulate the back and lower extremities. But you don’t have to take it at face value. It is just that: a point of view to keep in mind that you should not generalize because it can lead to misdiagnoses.

Poor posture is the most common cause of low back pain

The lumbar area is physiologically fragile, because the lumbar vertebrae do not have the support of the ribs, nor do they have strong muscles such as the trapezius. And yet, it separates the trunk from the pelvis and is the starting point for the extremities and support for the movements of the legs, so that it is an area that suffers frequent tension and movements.

The causes of low back pain are very diverse. The most common are muscle wasting due to poor posture or a specific injury. Faced with low back pain, it is necessary to assess whether the cause of the pain is really an injury or kidney weakness or is simply a postural, mechanical or functional problem.

The kidney is fed and protected by all vital organs. If the pain that affects you in the lower back was caused by any type of kidney disorder, you would also have other symptoms, such as joint pain, generalized weakness, memory loss, internal cold, urination disorders, edema … Talk about kidney diseases is to question the fundamentals of a person’s health and to do so you have to gather as much data as possible in order to make a good prognosis.

And yet one would have to be cautious before assuming that low back pain is caused by the kidney. The most advisable thing would be to check if there is any muscle injury or if you adopt positions that are not suitable and that cause this throbbing pain.

Once these options are ruled out, the possibility of medical examinations and tests should be considered. Once the possible causes of sciatic nerve problems and muscle ailments have been eliminated, check-ups can be carried out to determine kidney problems. With the results you can see if the kidney chi is stagnant and then it will be time to look for a solution.

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