Healing In Depth: The Disease As A Message

Every ailment is an opportunity to listen sincerely, to better understand ourselves and restore true health.
disease origin

We can only heal in depth if we assume the responsibility of being guides of our own healing.

What appears as a pain or an imbalance in the body is the manifestation of a previous imbalance that is generated on the plane of consciousness.

And to the extent that we do not take it into account, our own conscience will look for another more concrete or palpable place to be noticed. Then it “descends” to the body with the sole purpose of observing “what happens to us.”

What does our conscience want to show us?

In principle, the symptoms are manifested in an analogous language that we need to train. In fact, in all languages ​​we express ourselves with phrases that declare feelings, for example:

  • “He broke my heart”
  • “It took my breath away”
  • “I caught my breath”
  • “It hit me in the liver”
  • “I stayed frozen”
  • “I turned green”
  • “I felt a lump in my throat”…

Almost all of these expressions name the symptoms or organs that are usually affected according to each unrecorded feeling.

They are emotions that could not be expressed.

  • Affective exchange problems generally translate into respiratory problems.
  • Difficulties for contact appear in skin diseases.
  • Conflicts that we do not know how to resolve become matter through infections …

And so on. The list is as long as we people inhabit the Earth.

Take the path of self-knowledge

If we are the ones who seek help to heal, let us know that what happens to us is our responsibility.

No one can know more about us than ourselves.

Something as personal as healing, getting sick, loving, suffering, fearing, needing or suffering, we cannot delegate it into the hands of professionals that sometimes we do not even know.

If we do not assume the responsibility of embarking on a path of personal knowledge, then we will not be able to pretend to improve our health.

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