Get Alkaline And Take Care Of Yourself From The Inside Out!

2 recipes and many tips to achieve well-being by alkalizing your body
The Importance of Alkaline Beauty, Lime - Beauty from the Root

Our body has a balance between the acidic part and the alkaline part that makes up the ideal pH of the cells of our body, of the intestinal flora and of our blood.

The body ages because our cells age. Without realizing it, our body is a complex ecosystem, a perfect machine that needs the life of healthy microparticles, cells and bacteria for an optimal and full state.

Each cell of our body needs oxygenation and a suitable micronutrient diet so that together they contribute to the perfect functioning of our vital organs and, therefore, of our different systems: respiratory, circulatory, digestive …

The vital age that is manifested in our countenance, is really not only a reflection of our years, but the vital age of each of our cells and that is the result of the care that we have provided during our lives.

When we eat, when we hydrate and when we breathe we are providing food to our body. It depends on the quality of that food, water or air if we acidify our body or alkalize it.

The worse our diet, the water we consume and the polluted air we breathe or tobacco smoke, the more we acidify our body and our cells.

If we eat fresh and quality food, consume pure water and breathe pollutant-free air, we alkalize our body.

Bad habits and the poor quality of food and water acidify, prematurely aging our cells and consequently our body. The better and healthier the habits we have, we will alkalize our body, achieving young cells, an active and optimal organism and therefore a young and resplendent face.

Simple tips to start alkalizing your body

Drink lots of water. But it is not just enough to drink water, it is necessary to ensure that it is less chemically treated water and if possible spring water or filtered water.

Water is the first source of life and although we are unable to see it with the naked eye, water contributes minerals to our body. An intoxicated, treated or dirty water, also contributes these particles and malignant elements to our organism.

Avoid drinking water that has been bottled in plastic since with the heat, the plastic releases toxins into the water, which we then ingest when we drink it. It is much healthier to carry water in glass bottles since they do not alter the pH or the natural chemical composition of the water.

Lemon is a great alkalizer, as is apple cider vinegar. Drinking hot water with lemon or a shot of apple cider vinegar diluted with water on an empty stomach is the best way to prepare our body and clean excess heavy metals in the blood.

Think green! All green leafy vegetables are powerful and alkalize the body because they purify and oxygenate through the chlorophyll present in their leaves and stems. If you take them raw, much better. Spinach or the famous kale are your best allies. Be careful with spinach, since they contain a lot of iron and the excess is not healthy either.

Exercising outdoors is ideal to oxygenate our body and our blood. If we can’t do it, any form of exercise is perfect for filling our lungs with fresh air, activating circulation, and releasing toxins through sweat.

Avoid processed, canned and / or foods with flavor enhancers or expiration dates. They usually have chemicals that acidify the blood and therefore our body.

Coffee and tobacco are very acidic for our body. Consume as little as possible and, if you can, eliminate them, especially tobacco.

It is important to remember that in the morning our body reaches the highest levels of acidity and that is why it is very important that as soon as we wake up we alkalize our body to regulate our ideal pH and gain vital energy for the rest of the day.

Here are some recipes for some shots to take on an empty stomach that alkalize the body.

Redboost shot


  • Juice of half a lemon
  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 pinch of ground cayenne pepper
  • * Water (optional and only to dilute)


  1. Squeeze the lemon juice and mix it with the apple cider vinegar.
  2. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper.
  3. If the flavor seems very strong, it can be diluted with a little water.

Take on an empty stomach.

Green Shot


  • Juice of half a lemon
  • ½ cup aloe vera juice
  • 1 dodajita of ginger


  1. Squeeze the lemon juice.
  2. Mix with the aloe vera and add a slice of peeled ginger.

Take on an empty stomach.

I hope you liked this post! See you at the next one! Until then, take care and pamper each other from the root.

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