Get A Good Night’s Rest

If you don’t sleep well, you have 25 percent less energy the next day. Give it a remedy with these anti-insomnia guidelines
Sleep well

During the night rest the body and mind rest and organic detoxification processes are carried out, adequate memorization of the day’s experiences and wound healing. Not sleeping properly prevents psychoneuromuscular renewal and weakens the body’s defensive capacity.

Certain cardiovascular, digestive, dermatological or nervous disorders can be the consequence of lack of sleep. And conversely, insomnia can indicate that a disease is starting. Lack of rest basically prevents the body from recovering.

Those who have slept badly during the day use 25% more energy to do the same work. This generates accumulation of fatigue and irritability, poor digestion, lack of concentration or decreased libido, even memory impairment.

Identify your type of insomnia

Insomnia can be basically classified into three types:

  • Conciliation insomnia: you keep your eyes open until 2 or 3 in the morning. It can be due to a maladjustment of internal rhythms (jetlag, nightlife) or anxiety. Your mind evokes the unpleasant events of the day.
  • Maintenance insomnia: If you wake up often during the night, there is usually an organic cause, such as hormonal changes in women. It can also be hypoglycemia, which is solved by taking, for example, a plate of pasta for dinner.
  • Early awakening: when insomnia is accompanied by a feeling of empty head, it can indicate a depressive state, and it is advisable to go to the doctor.

Get ready for sleep

  1. The bedroom must be clean and ventilated, isolated from noise and cool (its temperature must not exceed 16 or 18ยบ C).
  2. The bed is for sleeping, for resting, for intimate relationships, for playing with children, for reading. Neither mobile phones, tablets nor televisions … Regarding the orientation, the head must point north and the feet south.
  3. Dinner: It should be a light and healthy dinner, not too large, not fat or spicy, because it can disturb sleep. Choose foods rich in tryptophan (like tofu). In addition, foods with a high content of natural carbohydrates (bread, banana, apple juice, figs, dates …) help to release tryptophan.

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