Fuel Your Defenses: Everything You Need To Know

Red, yellow and orange vegetables are key to the immune system. Help him also with protein, omega-3s and an extra zinc and vitamin C.
Feed defenses

The exposure to the virus is sometimes unavoidable, but it is in our power to maintain our strong immune system. The state of the defenses depends not only on the possibility of avoiding or contracting an infection, but on an uncomplicated evolution if there is one.

Modern medicine knows that immune efficacy depends on a delicate balance. The same holds for traditional Chinese medicine. In a classic text it can be read “if the xie (pathogen) exceeds the zheng (defensive capacity) the disease appears”.

We must keep our zheng strong through healthy living : limiting stressors, exercising, conducting emotions in a positive way, and eating quality food. All this will give us the necessary tools to overcome all kinds of conditions and live fully.

Foods to raise the defenses

The relationship between nutrition and the immune system is complex and interesting. Small deficits of certain nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids, chronic excesses of sugars and saturated fats, can severely damage it.

More than quantity, it is necessary to keep in mind the quality of nutrition and take care that there are neither deficiencies nor overloads.

On the other hand, people with a tendency to become ill can have a blood test to discover deficiencies and, if necessary, add a series of specific nutritional supplements to the diet.

People with chronic diseases tend to have low defenses. In addition, being medicated for long periods of time, they are at greater risk of suffering deficits because many drugs interfere with the absorption of nutrients. They should talk to their doctor about how to reduce these risks.

Essential amino acids that strengthen immunity

Proteins are essential for good immunity, especially the amino acids glutamine and arginine, which have immunomodulatory and anti-infective effects.

Arginine is found in peanuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds. Glutamine is found in eggs, dates, and pineapple.

The N-acetylcysteine is a stable form of the amino acid L-cysteine, an antioxidant nutrient, anti – inflammatory and detoxifying. Its contribution (around 1,200 milligrams daily) improves the control of respiratory diseases. Look for a product that does not contain aspartame as an ingredient.

What type of fat increases the defenses?

The excesses of saturated fats (meats, fatty dairy) and of the omega-6 series (oils of corn, sunflower …) reduce the immune response.

While monounsaturated fats (olive oil, avocado) and omega-3s (fish, nuts, flax) are immunostimulant.

Vitamins A, B, C and D

The Vitamin A is essential because it maintains the integrity of mucosal surfaces and skin, which are the natural barriers against infections. It can be obtained from the conversion of beta-carotene present in green, red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables.

The vitamin B helps the elderly. If you often suffer from respiratory infections, you can prevent them with a supply of B complex vitamins. To determine the dose, it is advisable to carry out specific blood tests. In general, brewer’s yeast is an interesting complement for its richness in these nutrients.

The vitamin C is useful in a preventive or when symptoms begin respiratory infection. You can take 200 to 500 milligrams a day to improve evolution and reduce recovery time, but regular consumption of foods and juices rich in vitamin C (kiwi, citrus, tomato …) is important.

The vitamin D is associated with stimulation of innate immunity and local production of antimicrobial proteins. Most of it is metabolized by our body from the sun’s rays and it is also present in fatty fish, egg yolks and mushrooms dried in the sun.

Zinc reduces the risk of colds

The zinc is necessary for our defense system to work properly. In doses of 24 to 32 milligrams daily, it reduces the risk of contracting a common cold and reduces the intensity and duration of symptoms. This is due to its antiviral properties.

It is found in nuts and, in general, in protein foods.

Antioxidants are decisive

Metabolic processes generate free radicals, which are also increased by chronic stress or pollutants … They can affect the immune response capacity if we are not able to neutralize them. Antioxidants help us in this regard.

If the body is not subjected to situations that favor the production of radicals, a balanced diet should provide enough antioxidants.

But an accelerated life and an improvable diet may indicate the need to take a supplement, always under professional control.

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