Detoxify With A Week Of 100% Organic Diet

A diet made entirely of organic food is capable of reducing the presence of pesticide metabolites in urine by 60% in just one week.
organic food

Recent studies carried out in France have described the beneficial effects of consuming organic foods: they can reduce cancer cases by up to 25%, prevent diseases such as metabolic syndrome and promote health and general well-being.

In one week, the eco diet reduces the excretion of pesticide residues by 60%

Now, a study conducted at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) has proven that consuming a diet entirely composed of organic foods is capable of reducing the presence of synthetic pesticide metabolites in the urine by 60% in just one week.

The study, led by Dr. Kendra Klein and published in the journal Environmental Research, was conducted with four American families of different races, living in Atlanta, Baltimore, Minneapolis and Oakland. The research was devised by PhD student Carly Hyland.

Pesticides in common foods

The most prominent finding was a radical reduction in the levels of neonicotinoid and organophosphate residues, a class of insecticides commonly used in agriculture, gardening and even in household products, such as insecticides against cockroaches.

In agriculture, organosphosrates are used with apples, peaches, strawberries, spinach, and other common food crops.

The mean reduction in pesticide residues was 60% after one week, but the percentage varied between 37 and 83% depending on the pesticide. For example, malathion levels fell 95%. This pesticide is a probable carcinogen and an endocrine disruptor that especially damages the thyroid.

“Organic food works”

The study proves that “organic food works,” in the words of the study’s co-director, Kendra Chain, a scientist who also works for the environmental organization Friends of the Earth.

“We all have the right to food that is free of toxic pesticides. Farmers who are growing our food in rural communities also have the right not to be exposed to chemicals related to cancer, autism, and infertility. The way we grow food must protect, not harm, our environment. We need our elected leaders to support our farmers by making organic food accessible to all, “explains Chain.


Kendra Chein et al. Organic diet intervention significantly reduces urinary pesticide levels in US children and adults. Environmental Research. 2019 (

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