Cold Sores: Prevent And Treat Without Drugs

Herpes can be latent and not appear until something triggers it. We can prevent it in a simple way and treat it with natural remedies.
How to prevent and treat cold sores

Cold sores is a contagious infection caused by the herpes simplex virus.

The contagion usually goes unnoticed, but the virus remains latent in the nerve cells until some factor activates it.

The recurrence, recurrence of cold sores are common and often occur by influence of certain factors : exposure to the sun, rule, fever, a cold, stress, food allergies or certain drugs.

The process lasts about a week, with fatigue, sometimes tenths of fever, and local swollen glands.

How to prevent cold sores naturally

So that the herpes simplex virus does not reactivate, we must pay attention to food.

Reduce refined carbohydrates and products rich in arginine (an amino acid found in nuts and legumes), as they favor the replication of the virus.

Increase your intake of whole grains and foods rich in lysine (an amino acid that makes it difficult to activate).

Additionally, supplement your diet with beta-carotene (100,000 IU per day), zinc polycholinate (15 mg), bioflavonoids (1 g), vitamin C (1,500 mg) and vitamin E (400 IU). It will help to enhance the antiviral activity of leukocytes and prevent outbreaks.

Natural treatment for herpes

When herpes appears, apply a compress soaked in licorice decoction 3 times a day . The glycyrrhizic acid from the root inhibits the progression of herpes and its action on infected cells.

Aloe gel is also indicated . It calms and dries the vesicles: apply it several times a day.

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