Camu-Camu, More Vitamin C Than Oranges

Camu-camu has a lot more vitamin C than any other food. Together with its other phytocomponents, this makes it a powerful antioxidant that prevents and cures diseases
camu camu benefits

The camu-camu bush, native to the Peruvian Amazon, produces a fruit of the same name, very rich in phytochemicals and with great health properties.

This fruit, the size of a large grape, purple skin and yellow flesh, stands out above all for its extraordinary vitamin C content : it provides nothing more and nothing less than 2,145 mg per 100 g. This is the largest amount ever found in a food on Earth.

Although the amount in milligrams of the vitamin is The camucamu lower than synthetic vitamin C tablets, scientific evidence suggests that it is more effective than ascorbic acid or vitamin C synthetic. With as little as a third of a teaspoon a day, patients under supervision have reported improvements in their health.

A champion fruit in vitamin C and other antioxidants

Camu-camu contains a large amount of bioflavonoids and essential amino acids such as serine, valine and leucine. It is, as we said, a very rich source of vitamin C, up to 60 times greater than oranges, and for every 100 g it contains 355 mcg of carotenoid pigments, including lutein and zeaxanthin, the most present in the fruit.

It also provides very good doses of manganese (2.1 mg per 100 g), and is a source of other minerals such as copper, iron and calcium.

This nutritional and antioxidant wealth makes camu-camu a food with numerous health properties.

1. Strengthens defenses

By containing very high amounts of vitamin C, it improves defenses and gives us energy and good humor. Vitamin C helps purify and heal the body, fighting the effects of free radicals and pathogens that enter the body.

2. Protects the liver

Its antioxidant and phytochemical content helps prevent and cure liver diseases (it is especially useful in cirrhosis). This is so thanks to a component called 1-methylmalate.

3. Improves mood

Large amounts of vitamin C can stimulate the secretion of serotonin, the well-known hormone of happiness.

For this reason, camu-camu is being used as an antidepressant in holistic medicines and therapies.

4. Take care of the mucous membranes and gums

Its antioxidant and antiviral capacity helps prevent infections and inflammations of the mucosa and gums.

5. Anti-aging effect

Its antioxidant power is studied to combat premature aging and cell degeneration. Due to its richness in vitamin C, it fights inflammation, one of the most influential factors in cell aging, oxidative stress and chronic pain.

6. Improves eye health

Camu-camu can have a positive effect in preventing macular degeneration. This is due not only to its vitamin C content, but also to the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin.

How to take camu-camu

Camu-camu is sold as a pale pink to beige lyophilized powder, but also in capsules and juice.

With an acid flavor, it is used to enrich juices, smoothies, puddings and yogurts.

It is also used in facial masks, to which it provides a silky texture.

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