Accept Life As It Is And Feel At Peace

Being open to life, to others and to yourself requires accepting what arises without resisting. That receptive attitude is essential to savor the richness of the present.
to accept

The expression ” accept without thinking twice “, which seems, at first glance, an invitation to unconsciousness, to go with the flow without calculating the consequences of that gesture, can also be understood, however, as an act of self-defense against the excesses of reason.

Anyone who thinks twice (a love affair, a business, a trip, an outing with friends, a phrase or a verse) may thus shield himself against the haste and the mistakes that are made because of it, a An advantage that should not be overlooked, but the extra caution that it proposes causes one to miss many wonderful opportunities that will not be repeated.

Thinking something twice usually leads, in fact, to not accepting a gift that would have made us richer (in emotions, feelings, ideas, projects) and happier. Rational reason is fearful and timid by nature, and therefore only feels comfortable on familiar ground.

Accept is a verb that is conjugated better all of a sudden

Intuition, empathy or the simple desire to open our existence to the joy of sharing (models of irrational or poetic or cordial or vital reason, as some philosophers have named it) are usually, on the contrary, bold and accurate, a source joy and widening of subjective and objective limits, a light that does not usually leave us in the dark without warning in the middle of nowhere.

Accept, therefore, is a verb that is conjugated better all of a sudden, because yes, right off the bat, without stopping to reflect, caught by the hair, in passing, without allowing it to disappear into the air or windstorm of a thought, with eyes closed.

Recognize the links

Living is accepting life, saying yes to it, and having confidence in the shadows and lights it casts on us. Accept life so that it accepts us and so that, in doing so, it is attentive and willing to compromise with our proposals, circumstances and desires. Accept, therefore, the responsibility of being alive and doing everything possible to enjoy, learn, fulfill yourself as a person and be happily contagious for others.

And it is that living, in general, is a gift. The problem is that, since the gift is not always wrapped in colored glossy paper and tied with a well-made bow, sometimes you want to not open it, not accept it, return it to the sender (think twice).

There are gifts, in fact, that thoroughly ignore us, that seem made against us (a tie for those who never wear it, a perfume with an aroma incompatible with one’s tastes, a book far from our interests), but even in those cases it is What is important is not what is given but the triple bond that is established between the one who gives, the gift and the one who receives the gift.

Accepting the gift is, regardless of whether or not it adjusts to our needs or whims, accepting these bonds and, as a consequence of this, accepting that no life is really one if it is not developed in relationship, if there are not many in it. others willing to give and receive.

A big yes to life

Accepting is, then, an act of very human thoughtlessness, a great yes to life and an assumption of the threads that sew us to other people. It is also an act of humility : because whoever accepts something (a box of chocolates or an apology, a mistake or a sweater, an invitation to dinner or an argument, a critic and a compliment or a basket of fruits and a bottle of wine) also accepts that he is not complete, that the other has something that he does not have, that he needs to continue receiving good material and immaterial things to reach his best version; And because the fact of accepting confronts one with the radical neediness of all existence, which would be but a shadow in the world, not very different from a stone or a piece of wood, without the communal soul that lights it up and connects her to others.

Accepting is, whatever one accepts, accepting the other, accepting the inalienable presence of the other in the very heart of who we are. The one who accepts in this sense, from humility and trust in others, reserves the right of admission (the right of acceptance) in a different way from how it is understood in bars and other venues: as an invitation to leave the doors open. wide open so that no one is left out, to become the meeting point of the different, of the other, even of what denies or disturbs you.

The inland seas

Accepting is wanting to be what one is, reaching the certainty that one too, and above all, is a gift in itself (a gift for him and a gift for others). This is the hardest of all. Accepting is useless if before one does not fully accept oneself, with enthusiasm, also without thinking twice. Accepting what comes from the outside is even a sad trap, a kind of crossword puzzle to kill time, if first one does not accept what is within oneself.

The verb accept, before traveling to the place where others await us with their offerings and their possibilities, requires that one previously dive into their inland seas, learn them well, be proud of them. A task is, by the way, that we must never neglect because it is for life and because it depends, ultimately, that we can be happy and make others happy.

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