A Factoría Verde: An Avant-garde Vegan Space

A meeting place with a shop and restaurant, combining the pleasure of healthy and organic food with a great love for animals.
A Factoria Verde

A Factoría Verde arrived in A Coruña in December 2015 as the first comprehensive healthy space in the city through a vegan store that culminates in a back room with a restaurant and juice bar with the ambitious challenge of putting into practice the Hippocratic maxim: ” Let your food be your medicine. “

To Factoría Verde, promote ecology by example

Our project is born from the synergies that occur in the family itself with the practice in recent years of various activities related to cooking, ecology and the dissemination of veganism, which leads us to get out of personal motivation and share the experience .

A Factoría Verde is located on Wenceslao Fernández Flórez Street, 15 meters from Juan Flórez Avenue, in the Galician capital. We looked for the place, which had formerly been a winery located on the ground floor of a rationalist building built at the beginning of the 20th century, in a central area, so that access would be comfortable.

Without breaking with the aesthetics of this architecture, it was designed as an old colonial warehouse.

We try to be honest with our way of life : we recycle what was possible, such as the beloved entrance door, we preferably use environmentally friendly materials, such as wood, close and sustainable, lime soil, ecological paints … .

We also alkalize and purify the water with which we cook or make infusions, and we serve it in reusable glass bottles to avoid the waste of thousands of plastic bottles used only once, and we are delighted with the result obtained.

In addition, we are part of the SOM cooperative, so all the energy we consume is of wind or solar origin. We use a heat pump and very soon our mobility will also be electric.

Likewise, most of the financing has been obtained through the ethical bank Fiare, of which we are part.

Better in bulk

At A Factoría Verde we avoid, as far as possible, packaged foods. We offer bulk products : cereals, legumes, seeds, spices, salt, dehydrated fruits, algae and mushrooms as a way not to waste.

We have two mills to grind the grains and offer freshly made flours, healthier and more nutritious than packaged ones, which degrade in a few days.

We try to produce the least amount of waste possible in a process of continuous improvement. Let’s say that we are “learning to learn”: we dehydrate, we use vacuum machines, cold pressed juice extractors and processors, which allow us to make the most of the raw material …

To be at home

Our wish is that those who share their time with us feel at home, that all people with the concern to improve their diet trust that we can surprise them in the restaurant and give them the option of experimenting with all the products that we offer in the restaurant. shop.

The kitchen is an alchemy of creativity, flavors, smells and love to convey that vegan food can be and is delicious. What we do every day, more than a job, is a pleasure for us. We love vegetables and everything they offer us.

Part of the menu avoids gluten and the pastries are mostly raw and sugar-free, made by us. The workshop is completely open, with which customers can follow the entire cooking process live.

At A Factoría Verde we are committed to the best quality

For years, we have searched for the best articles in national and international fairs of alternative food. We have tasted them to make sure that is what we wanted, we have done a “personal quality control” so that the product we offer is true to our tastes and philosophy.

Superfoods, energy bars, vegetable proteins, probiotics, gourmet preserves, vitamin supplements, oils and raw foods make up our pantry, but also vegetable cheeses, meat substitutes, fermented, vacuum-packed home-made dishes … All cholesterol-free and lactose-free .

We also have breads and pastries with or without gluten, all organic, and we make juices every day with seasonal vegetables and fruits. We have the best smoothies in A Coruña!

The people who are part of A Factoría Verde understand that we are not just a restaurant or a store, but something else. We want to make a revolution where customers are participants in a beneficial life change for all. Go vegan!

When you enter the door of A Factoría Verde you realize that the care and detail that you see in the place is what you will find in the quality of the food and the products.

As soon as you enter, you are greeted with an orchard of aromatics from which the chef supplies herself for the day’s cooking.

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