6 Tips To Take Care Of Skin And Hair With Apple Cider Vinegar

Forget about conventional beauty products full of chemicals. Thanks to apple cider vinegar, one trip to the kitchen is enough to declare war on pimples, blackheads, and oily scalp.
Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar is ideal for cleansing skin and hair because, unlike most conventional alkaline soaps, it regulates the skin’s natural protective acid mantle.

Many soaps, creams and lotions can do more harm than good to the skin and the entire body, for example through synthetic fragrances with endocrine disrupting effects, microplastics or too low a pH value. Applied correctly, apple cider vinegar ensures a gentle clean.

Effects of apple cider vinegar on skin and hair

The fact that apple cider vinegar is such a complete element for the care of skin with imperfections, oily hair and other alterations throughout the body is due to its composition, among which are vitamins, minerals and especially organic acids such as acetic acid.

Thanks to its composition, apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is particularly important for the treatment of pimples, blackheads and acne.

When you go to buy apple cider vinegar, go for an unfiltered organic vinegar, as it contains all the valuable ingredients.

Tips for caring for skin and hair with apple cider vinegar

If applied correctly, apple cider vinegar helps with all kinds of problems and serves as ingredients in natural, homemade formulations to prepare refreshing facial toners, scrubs, or conditioners to straighten hair.

1. Apple cider vinegar scrub for blemished skin

If your skin has pimples and other blemishes, it is usually because your pores are clogged with dirt and sebum. Clogged pores are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which in turn cause pimples, acne, and similar problems.

A natural peel helps to improve the condition of blemished skin. Unlike so-called conventional mechanical peels, which often contain microplastics, apple cider vinegar works like a chemical peel thanks to the fruit acid it contains and deeply cleanses the pores. To do the treatment:

  • Wash your face with lukewarm water.
  • Mix half a glass of water and half a glass of vinegar in a bowl.
  • Place a small clean towel in the apple cider vinegar and water mixture until it is soaked, wring it out a bit, and place it on your face.
  • After five minutes you can remove the towel from your face and remove the remains with a dry towel.

2. Apple cider vinegar toner for oily skin

Large pores and oily skin often go together. So that your skin does not shine again immediately after cleansing, you can help yourself with a facial toner with vinegar.

Thanks to the acid, the toner has a firming effect on the skin and ensures that the pores contract. In addition, vinegar stimulates blood circulation, which makes the skin look less pale.

  • To make a facial toner, simply mix 500 ml of water with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and fill a sterilized bottle.
  • Apply the toner to a washcloth or cotton ball and rub it over your face, do not rinse it off afterwards. Use the toner in the morning and at night.

3. Drink apple cider vinegar for clean skin

You also benefit from the effect of vinegar when used internally. It doesn’t sound particularly appetizing at first, but a glass of water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar tastes refreshing.

When you drink it, apple cider vinegar regulates the body’s acid-base balance, thereby creating the best foundation for a healthy complexion.

Also, if you drink apple cider vinegar you will benefit from other positive effects on your health, as it stimulates digestion, acts against viruses and bacteria and activates metabolism.

A glass of water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day helps digestion and suppresses the appetite. If you want to lose weight, you can drink the mixture before eating.

4. Foot bath with apple cider vinegar against corns

If you suffer from unsightly and painful calluses on your feet, an apple cider vinegar foot bath will provide quick relief.

  • Put a cup of apple cider vinegar in a basin and fill it with warm water. To leave a fresh scent on your skin, you can optionally add 5 drops of an essential oil such as lavender.
  • Keep your feet in the basin for at least 5 minutes, then pat them dry and rub the hardened areas with a pumice stone.
  • After bathing, take care of the skin on your feet with a little coconut oil, shea butter or other body oil.

5. Relief of sunburn with apple cider vinegar

Since the acid in vinegar stimulates blood circulation, apple cider vinegar also helps the skin to regenerate after too intense a sunbath.

  • Dip a clean cloth in a 50% mixture of natural mineral water and pure organic apple cider vinegar and place it on the affected area for a few minutes.
  • If you put the vinegar in the fridge beforehand, the wrap will also have a nice cooling effect.

6. Make your own apple cider vinegar conditioner for shiny hair

An apple cider vinegar rinse is a true treatment for beautiful hair. Not only does it ensure a healthy scalp, it also makes hair shinier and easier to style.

Thanks to the acid in the fruit, the vinegar compensates for the low pH value of hard water. This means that there is no lime residue on the hair after washing and it prevents the scalp from drying out.

How to make a vinegar rinse:

  • Mix 1 liter of water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Pour the mixture into a clean bottle and store it in the fridge.
  • Always use the conditioner after washing your hair and apply about a quarter of the mixture to damp hair.
  • Conditioner works best if you don’t rinse your hair afterward and let it air dry.

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