6 Teas For Anxiety That Calm The Nerves

Infusions for anxiety

Herbs for anxiety: much more than infusions

A person who is going through a period of stress may experience emotions such as anxiety more frequently. When these emotions and symptoms are prolonged and prevent normal daily tasks, it will be appropriate to consult a health professional for a correct diagnosis and personalized treatment.

If anxiety occurs on time

and according to the advice of a doctor in case of anxiety disorders, herbal teas and natural remedies can help to alleviate suffering and physical symptoms. But plants offer us more than this.

The infusions of medicinal herbs, in addition to the chemical compounds that act on our nervous system, help us find balance through all the senses :

  • The scent of plants reassures us.
  • The color of the petals, leaves and stems attracts us and brings us closer to nature.
  • The texture of the different parts of the herbs and the hot water give us feelings of peace and comfort.
  • The infusion ritual, with its sounds, aromas, gestures and flavors, creates a hiatus in our busy lives and a pause in thoughts and worries.
  • The taste, finally, brings us back to the present moment to the moment of calm where we can enjoy a good infusion for the body and mind.


  • E-lactation: Chamomile, very low risk for lactation.
  • https://www.fitoterapia.net/vademecum/plantas/index.html?planta=101
  • Spanish Society of Phytotherapy (Sefit)
  • Phytotherapy Manual , Elsevier Masson.

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