Cool Off In Summer Naturally!

How do you hydrate in summer? There are natural options to sugary and artificial drinks.
soft drinks-summer

One of the most important things during the summer is to maintain good hydration, since during this time it is normal for our water requirements to increase, especially in very hot places that make you sweat more and even more for people who do a lot of activity. physical.

What hydrates us?

Our body is made up mostly of water – approximately 60-70% – and that is why to function properly it is important to hydrate ourselves correctly. There are different ways to hydrate ourselves, because although the common thing and what we should consume the most is natural water, other drinks and foods also provide water.

Although when we think of hydration we usually think of drinks, it is important to mention that there are foods that can also hydrate us. Fruits and vegetables are foods that are made up almost entirely of water, so it is advisable to increase their consumption and especially raw in this season and temperature conditions.

Speaking of drinks to hydrate ourselves, the drink par excellence must be plain or natural water. This drink does not provide energy, just water and some electrolytes. The amount of water to drink will vary depending on each person, but on average around 8 glasses of water a
day are suggested

And does it have to be plain water? No! We will talk more about other drinks. Plain water often seems dull, as it is by its nature tasteless. Some people even find this “annoying.”

Drinking flavored water is not necessarily bad, the problem is that most flavored drinks are full of refined sugars or, even those without calories, contain a large amount of chemical sweeteners with sweet flavors that, despite the fact that if they hydrate us, they also generate toxins.

How to sweeten your drinks without adding harmful calories or chemicals?

If you really like drinks with a touch of flavor but without that drink becoming something harmful for you, I suggest you try cold teas and infusions.

Give a touch of unique flavor to your drinks with whole pieces of fruit or aromatic herbs. Adding chopped fruit or herbs to your water will add a subtle flavor when infused in plain water. You can make your favorite combinations such as pieces of strawberries with mint leaves or pieces of lemon with mint leaves.

This infused water is a better option than fruit juices, since they do not provide so many simple sugars and they will also add almost no calories to your daily requirement, so they will help you have better weight control.

One of the healthiest options for the summer is cold teas. Teas are drinks that, in addition to hydrating, can have multiple beneficial health properties depending on the ingredients that compose them.

On a regular basis, the tea is prepared by boiling the water and then infusing the leaves. To prepare a tea with ice, we will use half the water, infuse the leaves for the indicated time and add the ice cubes.

Your drink of choice for the summer

There are many teas that we could recommend for all the properties that contribute to health, but a tea that I could never miss in the summer is ginger tea. This root contains beneficial properties for an upset stomach and is even excellent for dizziness. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Another perfect tea for any season is turmeric. This other orange root has many health properties, although it is famous for having anti-inflammatory qualities. Imagine hydrating with a delicious turmeric tea while your body heals from the insideā€¦ Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

One last tip to enjoy your cold teas is to add a splash of vegetable milk (preferably homemade and without sugar). In this way you will give a different and unique flavor to your drinks. It will prepare you a cold latte, an excellent and healthy substitute for the traditional horchata.

You see that hydrating does not have to be complicated or tasteless. Dare to give your drinks an extra touch of flavor and nourish yourself in different ways, while keeping your body water at optimal levels.


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