4 Natural Alternatives To Combat Jet Lag

If jet lag trips alter your sleep rhythm, these natural aids cannot be missing from your suitcase. They will help you enjoy the destination.
Jet lag remedies

Choosing a distant destination for your vacation can be the first step to a great experience.

But traveling by plane for many hours, sometimes crossing two or more time zones, has its cost: being affected for a few days by what is known as jet lag , especially if traveling to the East.

The jet lag is only a disorder of the circadian rhythm of sleep, which functions as an internal clock that shows when you feel clear and alert, and when sleepy. The body relies on sunlight to know how much melatonin it needs to stimulate sleep and increases the production of this hormone at night.

When night and day blur in an intercontinental journey, this perception is altered and sleep disorders and drowsiness arise .

4 remedies to combat jet lag

Compared to pills to combat jet lag or insomnia, which can cause addiction, there are alternatives that we recommend you explore if you have a long trip in the offing.

Melatonin to rest at night

A first remedy that we advise you is not a plant but a melatonin supplement, which you can find in pill form in herbalists and pharmacies. Helps sleep when you are awake and active.

The recommended dose for adults is 0.5 to 5 mg, taken just before bedtime.

The sedative hops

Among the relaxing plants, one that can come in handy for falling asleep is hops ( Humus lupulus ), which has a sedative and hypnotic effect .

Cones (strobili) and powder (lupulin) are used.

Drink it as an infusion, with lemon balm, hawthorn, valerian and poppy, 1 or 2 cups a day.

California poppy, useful for fighting migraine

The California poppy ( Eschscholzia californica ) is calming and slightly hypnotic. It also relieves migraine associated with jet lag and muscle or nerve pain.

Use the aerial tops to prepare an infusion. Drink two or more cups a day, the last half hour before going to bed. 3.

Schisandra helps you during the day

The adaptogenic plants or tonics can also be very useful during the day when the body is forced to adapt to sudden changes in normal routine.

Among them you can try the schisandra or wu wei zi (Schisandra sinensis), from the Chinese medicinal tradition.

Fresh, dehydrated or dried berries are used .

You can take the berries mixed in yogurt, or in decoction with mint or green anise, about three times a day.

This article has been prepared with the advice of Josep Maria Teixé, herbalist at El Manantial de Salud

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