Consciousness Also Helps To Heal. How?

Emotions, thoughts and even intention influence our health more than we thought. Science explains these beneficial effects.
Consciousness can also heal

We have always suspected that our health depended on something greater than ourselves. Believers still pray even if they put themselves in the hands of the doctor. Currently this behavior is understood as a residue of less enlightened times or as a psychological trap to seek tranquility.

However, science itself is discovering that it can be connected from within with an energy – what we call “spirit” – to regain health.

Thoughts influence health

Journalist Lynne McTaggart has spent years pursuing scientists who investigate at the limits of Physics, Biology or Neurology.

And based on his discoveries, he has designed a series of curious experiments that test the capacity of intentional thought to influence people, living beings and objects without the intervention of any known physical energy.

A group of people in London focused on the image of a geranium leaf on the screen of a computer connected to the internet. The sheet was in a laboratory at the University of Arizona – 5,500 miles away! – along with another that did not receive the intention of the participants and that served as a control.

At 10 minutes, the emission of biophotons from each leaf was measured . It turned out that the one that had received the intention emitted more light.

In another series of experiments, groups of healers and people attending McTaggart’s lectures focused their intent on seeds. These grew an average of 8 mm more than the control seeds. The study was carried out with all the necessary conditions so that there was no other factor that caused the difference in the results.

Thought not only acts on living beings like plants, it can also act on objects.

Robert Jahn, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Princeton University, and Brenda Dunne, director of the Research Laboratory Anomalous at the same university, began studying 45 years ago how it influences the mind in the “generator of random events”, a gadgets that perform the equivalent of flipping a coin.

These devices, which have become popular thanks to the interventions of Dr. José Luis Gaona in the Fourth Millennium television program, use quantum engineering to randomly offer a succession of zeros and ones, without external influence of any known type of energy.

A computer receives the data and performs a statistical analysis. It would be expected that in any circumstance the number of zeros and ones would tend to be the same.

However, they react to the emotions of human groups. When something happens that provokes an emotional reaction in people, these devices, against all logic, deviate from what is statistically probable.

What does science say?

The possibility that thoughts and emotions produce these alterations on a physical level seems like a childhood fantasy or an attack against science, however, there are scientific theories that explain it.

Physicist Roger Penrose is one of the most renowned scientists in the world. Together with the anesthetist and psychologist Stuart Hammeroff, he has developed a hypothesis that defines consciousness as the result of the interaction between the body and the quantum level of reality, where everything is interconnected.

Penrose suggests that at this level, which is the “basic structure of the Universe,” there is organized information that shapes or influences what happens in the physical world, including people’s minds and bodies.

In another language, this description coincides with the Platonic world of ideas or the spiritual world. “Is consciousness the result of complex operations between neurons, as most scientists affirm, or has consciousness been, in a way, always here, as spiritual approaches maintain,” Penrose and Hammeroff ask in the last article where defend their theory.

His answer is that consciousness is an essential ingredient of physical laws that are not yet well understood. In any case, it is not just a product of the brain, nor is it limited to it.

The neurologist and expert in traditional Indian medicine Deepak Chopra believes that the hypothesis of both scientists is close to the philosophy of Vedanta, according to which consciousness is the foundation of all reality, to which it confers order, intelligence and activity.

Spiritual and physical at the same time

All of this has profound implications for human nature, but how does it relate to health care? Do these researchers mean that we can be cured simply by wanting to? Obviously not.

It is more about understanding that body, mind and environment are connected through an invisible, subtle and mysterious web that we are just beginning to know.

And from what we know, it is possible to promote the recovery of balance through certain techniques, together with conventional and alternative treatments.

That meditation produces beneficial physiological responses at the level of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems is widely recognized, but it also influences through the connection that it fosters with that little-known quantum or spiritual fabric, underlying the physical reality that we see and touch. .

Therefore, the therapies that take into account the spiritual would be those that seek the connection with that dimension.

If, as the still dominant science says, the “I” is an idea produced by the mind, and this is the result of the chemical activity of the brain, it turns out that our being is the last link in a long chain of merely material events. Illnesses also come upon us, which we often feel as the result of bad luck and something alien.

However, if our consciousness has its origin in a different plane of reality, if it is not at the end of the whole process, but also at the beginning, we can regain the leading role. Health is our concern and the therapist is, at best, an intermediary.

Increase in gamma waves thanks to meditation

Meditation is capable of modifying the type of electrical waves that the brain produces. Although it seems incredible, science did not know until a few months ago where this electrical activity came from.

The question was resolved by attributing it to neuronal functioning, but a study carried out at the National Institute of Materials Sciences in Tsukuba (Japan) has discovered vibrations that originate this electricity in microtubules, precisely the neuronal structures where Penrose and Hammeroff place the link between brain and consciousness.

Specifically, meditation increases gamma waves that indicate an increased level of coherence in consciousness. When you meditate, the production of these waves is triggered in the cortical regions.

Most interestingly, it suggests increased communication with the quantum source of consciousness. I

Gary Schwartz, director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona, believes that we can receive information intuitively from the field of consciousness that can be useful to regain health.

Shamans and healers, who attributed their power to ancestors, spirits, angels, God or Universal Energy, have used techniques to “tune in” to this information.

Some spiritual techniques, which are used within the framework of different traditional and modern disciplines, are breathing exercises, music and dances that lead to trance states, and all forms of meditation and visualization.

They can be practiced alone, in a group or under the guidance of a therapist. Many are part of programs with fasts, trips, retreats, periods of isolation or rituals (cleaning, initiation …), or the use of plants and drugs that cause altered states of consciousness.

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