Liver Cleansing To Reduce Gallstones

Controlling the diet and certain cleansing plants prevent cholesterol and bilirubin from rising and help generate bile acids, reducing colic.
Gallbladder stones liver cleanse

The gallstone or formation of stones or gallstones develops slowly and remains asymptomatic for years.

The stones can be small like grains of sand or so large that they occupy the entire gallbladder. As they increase in size, they can obstruct the outlet for bile (common bile duct) and cause biliary colic that requires urgent medical attention.

The first symptoms of lithiasis are abdominal distention and discomfort after a very fatty meal, while acute pain in the abdomen radiating to the shoulders and back, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, chills and fever indicate a possible infection.

80% of the stones are of mixed type (cholesterol, pigments and inorganic calcium salts) and are formed when there is an increase in the production of cholesterol or bilirubin and a decrease in lecithins and bile acids.

Therefore, a proper diet that promotes liver cleansing can help reduce the size of these gallstones and helps prevent them from forming again.

What type of diet helps prevent gallstones

The risk factors for the development of gallstones are a diet rich in fat and low in fiber, obesity, some drugs, certain parasites, age and genetic predisposition.

Once the stones have appeared, their expulsion can be attempted by means of a specific liver cleansing based on olive oil, grapefruit and Empsom salts – but provided that their diameter is less than that of the common bile duct (about 5 mm).

If they are very large, there is a risk of obstruction and it is better to try to reduce the size before carrying out the treatment aimed at their evacuation. To do this, refined foods (white flour, pastries, rice, white sugar, sweets) must be eliminated from the diet and replaced with whole grain products.

Coffee, chocolate, milk and alcoholic beverages are strongly discouraged. It is also important to replace saturated and animal-based fats with plant-based polyunsaturated fats.

Keep in mind that lignin, a type of fiber that is present in chard and lettuce stalks -among other vegetables-, alfalfa, rice or legumes can bind to bile acids and cholesterol and prevent them from passing into the bloodstream. Therefore, this organic molecule (the most abundant in the plant world) helps reduce the risk of gallstones.

Is there a plant or natural remedy that can help reduce them?

Some plants can help you avoid gallbladder stones. Consult with the expert before taking any type of plant or supplement.

  • It will help you to drink a beet and radish juice every day on an empty stomach along with some green vegetables, such as cucumber or celery.
  • After meals you can take an infusion of mint and rosemary, with cholagogue and spasmolytic action.
  • Taking a cup of boldo infusion (or 1 gram of extract) three times a day just before meals can also help. This helps to drain the gallbladder and thus helps prevent cholesterol from precipitating in the form of stones.
  • Finally, add to your diet two daily tablespoons of soy lecithin, a digestive enzyme tablet and an orthomolecular supplement whose formula includes taurine, methionine, artichoke, fumaria and turmeric.

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