Sunscreens: Not All Filters Are The Same!

Can you clarify with the labels of sun creams? It is especially important if you choose a conventional protector. We guide you!

Although a little bit of sun is beneficial for your health, there is no doubt that too much sun is a risk. In summer, the best way to protect yourself is to enjoy some sun in the early morning and late afternoon and stay in the shade for the rest of the day.

If we want more, we will need to resort to protective creams. But it is important to choose well.

The easiest thing is to opt for a product with a recognized natural or organic certification, such as Cosmébio, Ecocert, Cosmo, BDIH or ICEA. Remember that, in the absence of these certifications, the words “natural” or “organic” on the label or in advertising do not mean anything, as they respond only to a marketing strategy.

A good sunscreen should protect you and the ecosystem

Products with these recognizable stamps cannot use chemical or nanoparticulate sunscreens. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the most commonly used physical or mineral filters. Some products are accompanied by vege-such filters insurance, obtained from plants such as orange or coconut.

The best products are no longer difficult to spread or leave a white coating on the skin. They are also free of other petroleum-derived ingredients that do not respect the physiology of the skin.

Use them after bathing to avoid damaging the marine environment

Although we choose a good natural cream, it is important that we do not use before the ba-no. Both chemical and mineral filters become a serious problem for marine ecosystems. Therefore, if we go to the beach, we will first bathe and then we will put on the cream.

The problems of conventional sun creams

The main problem with conventional sun creams is that chemical filters can alter the endocrine system. The two most commonly used filters, the oxybenzone ( oxybenzone ) and octinoxate ( octinoxate, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate or octyl , etc.), have impact studies as endocrine disruptors can affect fertility and interfere with the metabolism.

The homosalate ( homosalate ) is another chemical filter seems less dangerous, and there is no evidence that octisalate ( Octisalate ) and octocrylene are endocrine disruptors.

The safest of the chemical filters would be avobenzone and Mexoryl SX, according to the Environmental Working Group, a US environmental organization that maintains a database on the safety of cosmetic ingredients.

Keep in mind that conventional sun creams may contain, in addition to chemical filters, other allergenic ingredients, irritants or endocrine disruptors that are used as preservatives, perfumes or fillers.

For example, one that is frequently found is vitamin A, by the name of retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate, retinyl linoleate, or retinol . Being a vitamin it seems that we should stay calm but, applied to the skin and under the action of the sun, there are studies that link it with a greater risk of skin damage and even cancer.

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