Free Horses Connect Us With Life

The Fundació Miranda is a project that aims to respect horses, people and the earth.

When I was little, I said that when I grew up I wanted to be an actress and a farmer. After 20 years in the performing arts sector, two burritos and two mares crossed my path, and a partner in search of a vital purpose and project.

These circumstances, together with my love for animals and nature, my curiosity and my desire to learn, were the spark that started the Fundació Miranda, my life project from the age of 38.

From that moment more horses began to arrive. They called people who could not care for their animal or who no longer wanted to keep it, after years of loyalty and dedication of the horse to them. A one-hectare farm housed these first equidae that appeared in our lives.

A bond of trust, love and gratitude with horses

Why horses?” “Have you always been with horses ?” They asked me. My uncle had horses and he took me riding in the country many weekends of my childhood. I remember that I spoke with them and, beyond the traditional handling, I established a personal bond of trust, love and gratitude towards those beings that allowed me to travel on their backs. It was like flying!

My parents, always enthusiastic about my ideas, taught me that you can create what you set out to do. As in the phrase from the movie Field of Dreams : “If you build it, they will come!”

I never went to riding classes or stayed in contact with the horse world, which seemed like tyranny and slavery to me, until the idea of ​​the foundation came up. In reality, Miranda was the name of a cat rescued from the street, a name that came to me as a symbol of resilience, of fighting for life.

Starting the project with a beginner’s mind

We didn’t know anything about horses. This was a gift, the luck of being able to observe with a beginner’s mind and to listen to what they were saying and showing us. We were going very fast and we really learned a lot. Our teachers were the horses themselves.

Equine zoologist and ethologist Lucy Rees told us: the horse is gregarious and claustrophobic, it needs space and a group. This statement enlightened me and, for consistency, the transformation began.

In 9 years we went from 4 equidae to 62, and from one hectare to more than 1000. On this path to freedom my teacher has been Pierre Enoff, from EquiLibre France. He has cleared the way for us with his generous experience.

We had become experts in equine ethology, we did assisted social work with people at risk of exclusion and we were a custodial entity of the territory.

Inflection point

Two years ago, my partner and I parted company. The time has come to learn from this pain and to reinvent myself, to empower myself and take the reins of the foundation alone, with gratitude for the years shared and for the energy and effort that the father of my son put into this crazy idea, in this impulse. He also became, out of love, an ambassador for the horses in the wild.

We lock them in boxes, isolate them from their families, disconnect them from their essence and their most basic needs. What we often do with horses is what we do to ourselves.

The way to freedom

After my separation, Ana Álvarez Crispi’s work on systemic constellations with free horses gave me the push to take my place in the project with force. Now we collaborate.

In the last two years, the project has grown with me, has transformed and goes beyond me. The horses that we rescue and recover, and that graze freely in the Pyrenees and in the Garraf, have begun to clean the forests and contribute to the prevention of fires.

Feeling and doing what horses need at all times, facilitating their life in large natural spaces and in a herd, has been and is the path of my own freedom.

Learn to let go, that we cannot control life, that we have to move, dance with what comes to us, accept and change when it is time, and understand that change is always positive even though it sometimes hurts, let the body feel and breathe with what there is. Horses are “belief breakers” and they keep you humble.

My current partner is an equestrian guide, with the values ​​that I share and that translate into conscious riding, without irons and with bonds of trust. The horses of Cavalls Guiabosc Baridà also live in freedom. With him I have learned to be a gauchita, to connect with nature on horseback, in a unique union where everything is one, winning the fight with my mind and acting from the heart.

Today Fundació Miranda has grown a lot. It is not a fixed place. The horse and I are nomads. We make transhumance from the Pyrenees to the sea. An initiatory journey!

Miranda is a place from which to look at the world with different eyes, have perspective, share the happiness of free horses, their nutritional fullness and their strength, their presence. It is a dose of mindfulness and mindfulness in your vein, which gives you the joy and calm of living in the present.

Who I am

• I was born on June 2, 1966. I am eternally young in spirit and the mother of a 13-year-old teenager of Ethiopian origin who is pure nature and celebration of life.

• After a happy and successful career in the musical theater sector, in 2000 I founded with my soul partner Eòlia Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático, with which 20 years later I am still in love.

• Ten years ago I created Fundació Projecte Miranda, which is my purpose today, to which I give myself every day in a tenacious struggle with myself to transform hostile realities through love.

• I have been trained but above all I have learned from horses and nature, and I have chosen a path of consciousness. I live in the mountains.

Miranda Foundation

Pla de l’Orri (Alt Berguedà)

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