3 Steps To Take Care Of Your Lips Naturally

Dryness, small wrinkles around or herpes are some of the problems that affect the lips. Learn to prevent them with simple care.

The lips are our smile and a very sensual part of the face. With them we welcome food, express ourselves and kiss. It seems as if her delicate skin is a reflection of her delicate functions.

Their fragility is due, in part, to the fact that they are formed by a very thin epidermis and devoid of hypodermis, which makes them more vulnerable to external agents.

On the contrary, the lips have a large vascular network, which gives them their rosy tone and favors the supply of nutrients and the regeneration of the skin.

The lips need extra care to avoid drying out, because lacking sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as the hydrolipidic membrane that prevents dehydration, they are more vulnerable.

They also do not have melanocytes, so they neither tan nor have protection from the sun.

In addition, they are surrounded by numerous muscles and elastic fibers that make possible their almost continuous movements, essential to be able to pronounce well. These movements cause the skin in this area to age quickly.

To avoid wrinkles that form at the corners, it is advisable to exercise those muscles that surround the lips, and one way to do this is to whistle for a while every day. It is also important to avoid the habit of biting and pinching the skins.

Lip care: what do you need?

In addition, the lips require special basic care:

  • Cleaning. They have to be cleaned daily, especially if you use lipstick. You can use a natural make-up remover that does not contain aggressive substances, because when applied so close to the mouth these substances could pass into the digestive system.
  • Exfoliate. The lips tend to flake and crack, sometimes even bleeding. To avoid this, you can perform a very gentle exfoliation that removes the skin, applying a specific exfoliant for the lips or rubbing them gently with a toothbrush with very fine bristles. Uncomfortable skins are removed, which then dry out, leaving the skin even and rosy.
  • Moisturize. To protect them against dehydration, it is essential to use a lip balm that prevents drying, deeply nourishes and protects from the sun. There are many products on the market, generally in stick or finger balm form. These are oily formulations of greater or lesser hardness.
    • The natural or organic lip balms include waxes vegetable oils, honey, essential oils and plant extracts regenerators.
    • If you opt for a conventional formula, avoid petroleum derivatives such as petroleum jelly, paraffin or silicones.

Attention to lipstick

Should know their risks. They are usually made up of hard waxes, solid fats, castor oil, synthetic perfumes, preservatives, and mineral and chemical pigments that give them their color.

One of the pollutants they may contain is lead, which is considered carcinogenic. Although this toxic metal is prohibited as a cosmetic ingredient, it can appear in very small amounts allowed by law.

In 2007, a study by a US consumer organization found that 61% of lipsticks tested contained traces of lead, which makes the color set longer on the lips.

Although the amounts are minimal, it must be considered that, applied every day in an area of ​​entry to the digestive system, they can be harmful in the long term due to their cumulative effect.

The best natural lip protectors

  • Beeswax : it is used to give consistency to the balm and for its high healing power .
  • Shea butter : offers great protection to the skin against external agents and the sun. It also softens, nourishes, activates skin regeneration and prevents the formation of lip stretch marks.
  • Honey : in addition to deeply nourishing and softening the skin, it has a soothing and healing effect.
  • Calendula oil : has epithelializing, healing and emollient properties. It is especially indicated for the treatment of herpes or labial pupae. Although they are of viral origin, they improve with these balms, since they act as anti-inflammatory, antiviral and healing.
  • Wheat germ oil : as a natural source of vitamin E, it is suitable in the treatment of flaky and chapped lips, as it accelerates their regeneration.

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