7 Effective Therapies Against Autoimmune Diseases

In case of autoimmune disease, they relieve symptoms and promote a better physical and mental state. In healthy people, they have a protective effect.
How to treat and prevent autoimmune diseases

The autoimmune diseases are pathological processes in which the immune system attacks normal components of the body.

These diseases are becoming more and more frequent. And some examples of them are rheumatoid arthritis, type I diabetes or hypothyroidism.

Therapies to prevent and treat autoimmune diseases

In the field of autoimmune diseases, complementary therapies can be of extraordinary interest in the management of stress, pain, sleep and fatigue.

1. Reiki, to increase serenity

Apply a healing energy, locally and remotely. It has been shown to have the ability to modify brain waves: it produces a state of relaxation and tranquility, a feeling of serenity, an improvement in the sleep pattern and, through stress control, activates the harmonization of the immune system.

A recent study, published in Pain Management Nursing , indicates that reiki can be effective in fighting pain and anxiety as well.

2. Yoga, helps lower cortisol levels

It has shown benefits such as changes in heart rate, blood pressure, galvanic (electrical) response of the skin, respiratory rate, blood glucose (in type 2 diabetes and healthy people), respiratory retention time, visual and auditory reactions and in intraocular pressure.

These positive effects may be due to the stimulation of pressure receptors under the skin (effect similar to massage), which would produce a vagal stimulus and a decrease in the hormone cortisol.

3. Acupuncture and moxibustion, relieve pain

The action of acupuncture on pain could be explained by the stimulation of nerve receptors (small-caliber A delta nerve fibers) at the level of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Acupuncture also releases endogenous opiate peptides and oxytocin.

Functional neuroimaging studies show that it acts on pain-related areas of the brain.

4. Tai Chi and Chi Kung, improve immunity

The oriental techniques of tai chi and chikung have been shown to have a beneficial action on osteoporosis, balance, global muscle work, joints, memory and attention, blood pressure, heart rate, parasympathetic activity (which is responsible for to restore body energy).

They also improve sleep, cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels and immune function (there is a global improvement in immunity with an increase in its regulation).

They also have beneficial effects on pain.

5. Meditation and mindfulness , against depression

A study published in the journal Neurology shows a significant improvement in quality of life, fatigue and depression in multiple sclerosis patients who practice mindfulness .

They also greatly improve depressive symptoms.

6. Fecal therapy, preventive therapy

A preventive version of this therapy consists of improving the quality of our microbiota by increasing the consumption of foods that favor it (natural fiber, prebiotics, probiotics …) and avoiding everything that harms it: stress, processed foods, refined sugars …

In the last decade, an alternative that is not “complementary”, in the strict sense of the term, but in which medicine has high hopes has taken shape: fecal microbiota transplantation. Today it is already used to combat Clostridium difficile infections (which causes diarrhea, colitis and other intestinal disorders).

And its use is being investigated in diseases of autoimmune origin such as inflammatory bowel disease or type 2 diabetes. And even in depression.

It consists of transferring stool (through capsules or tubes) from a healthy person to a sick person to restore the lost balance.

7. Nature and animals, reduce stress

From Japan comes the shinrin-yoku , forest baths in which the essential oils produced by trees are breathed and that modulate neuroendocrine stress responses, with very positive effects on pain, depression and quality of life.

The contact with animals can cause significant secretion of oxytocin, a hormone that helps improve mood and sense of well – being. This contact also reduces stress by reducing the secretion of epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol, which enhances well-being. It also calms pain by increasing the secretion of endorphins.

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