6 Natural Therapies For Back Pain

The American College of Physicians (ACP) recommends using natural therapies to treat back pain.
How to relieve back pain

To prevent back pain – and specifically lumbar pain – it is essential to exercise the lower back muscles such as the abdominals, which reduce the impact on the lower back by distributing the load.

  • The lumbar region is made up of five vertebrae, which are larger and stronger than the others because they have to bear more weight: that of the entire trunk, arms, and head.
  • In addition, they absorb as a “shock absorber” the pressures of the lower part of the body through the feet, legs and pelvis.

On the other hand, there are natural therapies that help reduce back pain. Although the ultimate goal should be to know and combat the causes of pain. We explain them to you:

How to treat back pain naturally

Depending on the intensity and duration of the back pain, some natural therapies will be more effective than others.

1. Massage, for occasional pain

It is especially effective against pain with a week duration.

This and other natural therapies can avoid the unnecessary use of potentially harmful medications, according to the ACP.

2. Osteopathy and chiropractic

The therapies of spinal manipulation as osteopathic or chiropractic are more effective when combined with exercise or other therapies.

They also show usefulness in back pain that lasts for months.

3. Acupuncture, for greater well-being

Acupuncture reduces the intensity of pain and increases the general feeling of well-being.

It often achieves better results than protocol treatments with pain relievers and muscle relaxants.

4. Localized heat

The application of heat in the affected area relieves pain and improves mobility. It can be done using mats or with moxibustion sessions .

In some cases the reduction in discomfort is greater than with the drugs acetaminophen and ibuprofen (without their negative side effects).

5. Meditation, multiple benefits

Meditating and learning to be here and now, not only has benefits on a mental level. It also improves general fitness.

The practice of mindfulness or mindfulness is one of the recommended, especially in the treatment of back pain that therapies have become chronic (those lasting more than three months).

6. Exercises

In most back pain, contrary to what may be believed, rest is not indicated.

Specific exercise sessions , led by a physical therapist, reduce discomfort. It is ideal to combine stretching and muscle strengthening.

The back pain, especially in its lower part, has become a real “epidemic” in countries in which the predominant sedentary lifestyle.

As you spend too much time sitting, the abdominal and back muscles cease to exercise their support function and lead to an overload of the vertebrae in this sensitive area.

Exercise to stretch the spine

  1. Get on all fours on the mat, hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Stretch your arms and legs as you lift your hips. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds, breathing gently.
  3. With your neck and shoulders relaxed, lengthen your spine from your hands and stretch your legs back and down trying to bring your heels closer to the ground.
  4. Go back to the starting position.

Best postures to avoid back pain

  • In the normal upright posture, the lower back describes a natural curve that is essential for the flexibility and strength of the spine.
  • It is not a question of erasing it, but of avoiding and correcting, to a large extent, the exaggeration of this curve and the retraction of the back muscles, which can cause numerous problems.
  • The pelvis must be centered with respect to the body axis, aligned with the shoulders, knees and ankles.
  • If the belly is “dropped” forward by relaxing the abdominal area, then the pelvis is dislodged and the lumbar curve is enlarged; the vertebrae then bear the weight of the trunk worse.
  • The abdominal muscles must be kept slightly contracted, including the area that closes the ribs. If they are kept “open,” the pelvis cannot be positioned properly and the lower back suffers.

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