Raw Vegan Bread Without Oven Or Yeast

Raw vegan cuisine proposes methods such as dehydration and germination as an alternative to baking bread
raw vegan bread

Raw breads, based on sprouted cereals, seeds and nuts, are a healthy, antioxidant and energetic alternative to traditional cooked breads. They are also excellent foods to start “live eating”. Instead of flours obtained from cereals, different sprouted seeds and other ground ingredients are used. And instead of baking the dough, it dehydrates.

It is the essential bread in the kitchen “raw”, raw vegan or “live food”, a completely vegetarian dietary system (without products of animal origin such as dairy or honey), where food is not cooked, although it can be heated or dehydrated at temperatures that do not exceed 40 ÂșC to achieve the spongy texture of bread or the crunchiness of cookies and crackers.

Raw vegan bread: much healthier

The “raw” kitchen also considers the preparation of food with natural methods that increase its properties and make it more digestive, such as activation, germination and preparation of shoots, fermentation or mashing. The reasons that explain these healthy effects are that raw foods provide more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes that favor the assimilation and maximum use of nutrients, and that they lack harmful substances that can appear during heating in the kitchen.

A correct “live diet” is based on raw plant- based foods – leaves, vegetables, fruits, sprouts and sprouts, mushrooms, algae, seeds and activated nuts – and discards those that cannot be consumed in this state, such as conventional bread baked. People accustomed to consuming bread with their meals find it difficult to abandon it due to the habit acquired and maintained throughout their lives.

And also because when digesting cereals with gluten, the basis of any cooked bread, exorphins are formed, opiate substances that, according to some authors, may be responsible for addiction to bread and other farinaceous preparations. These peptides generate apathy, slowness and drowsiness and, at the intestinal level, promote constipation and increase permeability that favors inflammatory processes.

Alternatives to baking

When making bread with the philosophy of “living food” cereals are also used, but they are treated differently in the kitchen. Grains contain starch, a substance that only the physiology of granivorous beings – birds – can digest raw. The human being is unable to assimilate it due to its crystalline structure. What’s more, raw starch is a toxic and harmful substance for us.

To consume any food with starch, it is necessary to cook it until it is transformed into assimilable sugars by our body. But this transformation also occurs when the grain growth phase is activated. The germination process, therefore, also transforms starches into assimilable sugars and provides sprouts with more antioxidant compounds than ungerminated seeds.

It also increases the content of vitamins, minerals and amino acids of the original seed. The amount of lysine, which is the limiting amino acid in cereals, is especially increased, so that the use of protein by the body is multiplied. On the other hand, the proportion of carbohydrates (about 25%) and fat (about 40%) is reduced. In conclusion, germination allows consuming raw cereals and also improves their nutritional qualities compared to other preparation methods.

100% organic breads

To make this type of bread, it is vitally important that we always use products with organic certification, since it is in the skin and in the seeds of vegetables and fruits where we find the highest concentration of toxins when they come from conventional agriculture, which uses products toxic chemicals to fight mold and insect pests.

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