8 Tips To Make Your Snacks Healthy

Snack time is always a small party that can also provide the energy and nutrients necessary to supplement the diet.

The snack is the afternoon snack and, in a balanced diet of five intakes, it accounts for approximately 10% of the daily energy.

This snack is essential in childhood and adolescence, and is highly recommended at all ages to establish a homogeneous caloric distribution throughout the day.

Add foods that you do not include in the main dishes

The snack invites you to include attractive foods that are easy to take anywhere, because it is done at a time of day when you are still active. But that does not mean it should be less healthy. On the contrary, it allows supplementing the diet with ingredients that have not been present in the main meals.

1. Lots of fruit

It is the ideal time to eat fresh fruit –such as bananas, tangerines, kiwis or apples–, to complete the daily servings of fruit, with its contribution of water, vitamin C and antioxidants.

If there has been a significant energy drain because you have been doing sports, for example, dried fruit is preferable , a snack with a higher concentration of sugars.

2. An ideal combination

The snack invites you to join fruits and nuts in delicious and nutritious snacks, such as figs and walnuts, dried apricots and hazelnuts, or dates and almonds. The carbohydrates and minerals of the former are coupled with the proteins, fatty acids and vitamins of the latter.

3. Dried fruit snacks

Another sweet snack option is the dried fruit snacks. They can be found ready-made or can be dehydrated with a homemade dryer. In any case, they are an attractive and enjoyable solution for mid-afternoon.

4. Superfoods

Nuts and seeds combined with cereal flakes – in the form of granules or bars – can be true superfoods.

The most classic versions can be varied by adding pipocas or puffed grain of quinoa or amaranth, along with sesame, hemp or flax seeds, with syrup and a light toasted touch.

5. Sandwiches and toasts

A classic snack is whole wheat bread or toast with oil or tomato, to which you can add vegan cheeses or sausages, from cashew nuts to pumpkin. There is also a wide range of cakes, cookies and muffins made with whole wheat flour, oil, vegetable milks and healthy sweeteners.

6. Gluten-free options

Rice pancakes or corn nachos, along with all kinds of pates, such as avocado, olives, tofu or aubergine, are gluten-free options.

They can be made at home to go, but quality commercial options abound in organic stores as well.

7. Light snacks

Plant milks and their derivatives – such as yogurts, smoothies and desserts – are light alternatives. Made with cereals such as rice, oats and quinoa, and with nuts such as hazelnut or sesame, soy or horchata.

It is easy to find them in individual containers to take to school, some in a chocolate version for the little ones.

8. Unforgettable snacks

And to finish, let us respectfully remember the traditional sweets: olives, sunflower seeds, popcorn, coconut, lupins or roasted chickpeas. Combined with a fruit, they can become succulent and always nutritious snacks.

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