8 Tips For Perfect Skin Without Using Expensive Products

A beautiful skin is available to everyone and we can achieve it without resorting to high-end cosmetics. Discover how to improve your skin with resources at your fingertips.
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The skin is the first organ that we can see and identify in our body with the naked eye. An organ that reflects 100% the health of our body. If we have smooth, firm, healthy, bright and clean skin, we will be on the inside. When we show a dry, rough skin, full of impurities and acne, it will be a sign of dehydration and that we suffer from certain hormonal imbalances or high degrees of toxicity.

And without knowing all this, especially us women, we do our thousand and one to show off radiant skin, using methods that are sometimes not too natural or the most convenient for our pockets.

How to have healthy skin without using beauty products

Having beautiful skin is within everyone’s reach, and in the next few lines I’ll tell you how …

1. Debug

Your skin is a reflection of your health. It is the largest organ in the body and also participates in the elimination of toxins through its pores. The toxins damage and degenerate the cells inside and this is noticeable on the outside.

When we consume food with more toxic ingredients, it is quickly reflected on our skin, especially on the face. Eating clean will give us health and beauty since it will create a cleansing effect on our body in a natural way.

Some recommendations are:

  • Drink a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon juice on an empty stomach.
  • Drink a green juice or smoothie daily.
  • Eliminate processed foods, refined sugars, those that contain gluten, dairy products and their derivatives.
  • Increase your consumption of raw foods.
  • Whenever possible, buy organic products.
  • Move your body, play sports or do physical activity daily.
  • Stay hydrated all day. Always carry a bottle of water with you.

2. Nourishes

We are what we eat, and this is also reflected in our skin. Eating foods that are not so clean and loaded with toxins can leave us with lifeless, dull and dry skin. In addition, a lack of nutrition accelerates the appearance of wrinkles and acne pimples.

Nourishing the skin begins from the inside, and we will do it with a good choice of the foods we eat.

  • Follow a diet rich in plant-based products: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and seaweed.
  • Eat a wide variety of colors. The pigments of vegetables and fruits are powerful antioxidants that fight the action of free radicals, responsible for the aging of our cells.
  • Reduce or eliminate the consumption of animal protein. And if you consume it, it must be of quality, organic.
  • Enrich your diet with foods rich in essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6), such as algae, seeds (chia, flax, hemp), green leafy vegetables and dried fruits (walnuts).

3. Clean

Keeping your skin clean is very important. Many people use harsh skin products that can cause a lack of hydration of the facial skin and leave it completely dull. We must use a neutral cleanser and use it every night before going to bed.

I recommend using natural soaps based on lavender extracts, or with tea tree if we have a tendency to acne or oilier skin.

4. Exfoliate

It helps us to remove dead cells from the surface of our skin that may be dulling our color. For this we do not need to buy excessively clear products, in fact, I am sure that you have the necessary ingredients at home.

Mix 6 tablespoons of coconut oil with 1 tablespoon of sea salt. Stir well until the oil dissolves and the mixture is homogeneous and you will have your scrub.

5. Hydrates

We are between 60-70% water, so our good skin will depend on whether we are well hydrated or not.

  • Drink quality water throughout the day.
  • Drink your generous green juice / smoothie every day (300-500ml).
  • Consume at least 70% of your vegetables raw, as in salads (they will provide us with a higher content of water, minerals and active enzymes).
  • Reduce or eliminate the consumption of caffeine and alcohol, as they have a dehydrating effect.

6. Protect yourself

It is very important to expose ourselves to the sun for about 10-15 minutes daily for the natural production of vitamin D, without the use of blockers so that this vitamin can be synthesized correctly.

However, overexposure to the sun, especially at critical midday hours, can be counterproductive and damage our skin, increasing the risk of spots, burns and skin cancer.

7. Improves circulation

Stimulating circulation and lymphatic drainage will help you show off radiant skin. The skin brushing dry is the most simple and practical technique for this.

  • Look for a brush with soft, natural bristles.
  • Brush before you shower.
  • Do not press too hard when brushing and always start with your feet, always making circular movements towards your heart.

8. Reduce makeup

A clean and healthy skin does not need to cover impurities, even so, sometimes we like to use some paints to highlight our features. In this case, we will use cosmetic products that are as natural as possible, free of parabens and sulfites, and that are vegan. Many makeup brands contain toxins that clog the pores of the skin, suffocating it and causing the appearance of blackheads and acne pimples.

Brilliant, fresh and clean skin is just around the corner, just follow a few simple healthy guidelines. And you, which of these recommendations have you tried or which work for you?

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