8 Natural Remedies Against Common Ailments

Earache, bronchitis, cough … it is easy to make medicinal formulas with cultivated plants suitable for the whole family. We show you how to do it.

There is a wide range of remedies made with medicinal plants that, due to their simplicity, are available to everyone and that can be used to face different health problems.

In the old days, it was common, especially in rural areas, for people to prepare their own remedies from plants harvested in the surrounding area. There was a popular wisdom about wild plants and their possible uses, both in the kitchen and to face different health problems, both in adults and children.

Such knowledge has been largely lost, but now we are experiencing a resurgence of phytotherapy from other sources, be it from the hand of ethnobotanical scholars, through the new rise of herbalists or an urban population interested in recovering contact with nature.

Having some jars with medicinal plants at home will allow you to do without or considerably reduce the use of chemical medications to alleviate common health problems such as colds, digestion disorders, diarrhea, nervousness, insomnia, wounds, sores, burns or eye inflammations, among others. .

1. To treat bumps, skin inflammations and burns

It is common for children – and to a lesser extent adults – to suffer blows, bruises, inflammations or burns. These ailments can be counteracted with a tincture based on three very Mediterranean plants: rosemary, sage and lavender, to which camphor can be added .

  • The plants are placed, in equal parts, in a wide-mouthed jar and 96-degree alcohol is poured over them. It is left to rest in the shade, in an airy space for a month.
  • After that time the alcohol is strained to pass it to a translucent glass bottle, or it is kept with the plants inside.
  • It is applied in gentle rubs on the painful area two or three times a day. It can be kept for several years.

2. Against bronchitis and cough

When low temperatures arrive, it is common for us to suffer from bronchitis and cough. There are different effective medicinal plants against coughs. But this formula is one of the best known.

  • In one liter of water an infusion is made with 60 grams of hyssop, wild pine shoots, greater plantain leaves and lungwort, elderflower and marshmallow root in equal parts.
  • Let it sit and filter.
  • For syrup add 60 grams of sugar and simmer.

3. To relieve earache

Ears can be cared for naturally, otitis and ringing can be prevented with these effective remedies. This formula is one of the most effective.

  • They are macerated in Manzanilla de Mahón ( Santolina chamaecyparissus ) olive oil, mullein and three chopped cloves of garlic. After two weeks, it is filtered with a cloth and the liquid is poured into a translucent bottle.
  • Touches are applied to the ear, twice a day.

4. To treat tired feet

A magnificent remedy is the one prepared with the decoction of bearberry, thyme and lavender.

  • The decoction is poured into a basin, to which a handful of sea salt is added.
  • With the moderately hot water, the feet are submerged and left until completely cool.

5. To remove warts

Greater attention requires the use of latex from celandine, a plant related to poppies that grows on stream banks and riparian forests.

  • Its somewhat corrosive orange latex is applied to warts to help them disappear.
  • The contour should be covered with a protective cream or propolis to avoid irritation to the skin.

Here are 10 remedies against warts that can also help you.

6. Against fatigue

With equal parts wild mint ( Mentha suaveolens ), savory and green tea, a pleasant infusion with a stimulating effect can be prepared , which is optimal for moments of decay, fatigue or asthenia.

  • One tablespoon of the mixture is required per cup of water.
  • Boil for two minutes and leave to rest for 10 more. They can be taken from two to four cups a day.

If you want to go deeper, these 10 anti-fatigue foods can help you.

7. To relieve sciatica

An attack of sciatica can be very painful, but we have a traditional remedy that can provide relief if you persevere in its application. Juniper berries are needed , easy to find from late summer even if one enters nature.

  • Cook two tablespoons of these berries in half a glass of olive oil in a clay saucepan for five minutes, over a very low heat. Strain and with this oil, already warm, massages are performed on the painful area.
  • The remedy can be completed with a relaxing bath of fir shoots and myrtle leaves. To do this, a good handful of both are poured into two liters of water, boiled for six minutes, strained and poured into the bathtub full of hot water.

8. For calluses and calluses on the hands and feet

Hardnesses and corns can be eliminated if you have a plant as beautiful and decorative as the lily.

  • The ashes of its bulb, still somewhat warm, are applied to the affected area for a few minutes and in a few days improvement should be observed.

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