7 Vegan Alternatives To Soy

Vegans have many alternatives to soy. With them you can cover a wide range of needs and offer many culinary possibilities. Dare to incorporate them into your diet!
Vegan alternative

Soy is a legume rich in protein and low in saturated fat, but there are people who have an intolerance, allergy or simply do not like it. For those who do not want or can consume it, there are equally valid alternatives. The best thing is not to stay with just one, but to vary it to obtain added benefits. Some of these alternatives are also high in protein, and others are used similarly in cooking.

1. Seitan

It is surely the best known alternative to soy. Seitan is basically made with wheat gluten and is rich in protein. It is a good alternative to meat and can be obtained in blocks or in ready-made fillets. If you dare, you can even make it at home without great difficulties. It is obviously not suitable for people with celiac disease or those with gluten sensitivity.

2. Legumes

Another very valid and very economical alternative is legumes. They have an incredible satiating capacity and are rich in protein. You have many varieties to choose from, from the traditional chickpea to white, pinto and black beans, to brown, yellow or orange lentils.

Legumes can be used in multiple preparations (in hummus, in creams, in sautéed and stews, in salads, fermented in the form of tempeh, to make vegetable burgers …) and can be combined with cereals, vegetables and seeds or nuts … Let your imagination fly and experiment.

By the way, peanuts also belong to the group of legumes and you can add them to many dishes or eat them as a snack between meals, it is best that you roast them for a few minutes in the oven.

3. Other vegetable milks

Soy is not the only plant-based milk. There are almond, cashew, oatmeal, coconut, rice, spelled, hazelnut milks, etc. You can buy them made (take a look at the ingredients list and buy products that do not have added sugar) or you can make them yourself ; It is simple and does not require fancy kitchen appliances.

4. Vegan cheeses

For all those who want alternatives to traditional cheese and tofu or tofu, there are many vegan alternatives. Vegan cheeses can be made from nuts like cashew or almonds. There are many recipes to make at home, you will see that its flavor will convince you immediately.

5. Jackfruit or jackfruit

The jackfruit or jackfruit is perhaps one of the lesser known alternatives to soybeans, although it is starting to overshadow the tofu. The jackfruit is the largest fruit in the world, it can measure 90 centimeters and weigh between 30 and 50 kilos. In Asia, “all” of this fruit is used. It is very rich in fiber and low in calories and can be used as a substitute for meat in many dishes (but it does not provide protein). You can find it in Asian supermarkets, usually pre-cut and already packaged.

6. Beyond Meat

If you have a soy allergy and it is difficult for you to resist the texture and taste of meat, every day there are more vegetable preparations that mimic its qualities. Beyond Meat products, for example, are soy-free and provide up to 20g protein per serving. You can find it in the form of a hamburger or a sausage.

7. Nuts and seeds

Although tofu and tempeh are good sources of protein, there are other foods that also provide them, such as nuts and seeds. Almonds, walnuts, cashews and seeds such as chia, pumpkin, sunflower or hemp are especially rich in protein, which also provide you with healthy fats. You can add them to dishes like salads or eat them between meals.

8. Lupins

Although they belong to legumes, we put them apart because they are still great unknown to many people. They have a slightly sweet taste and are a great alternative to soy. They are also low in fat, have no gluten, and are rich in fiber.

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