7 Healthy Breakfasts That Will Make Your Summer Happy

In the hot months sometimes you don’t feel like having breakfast. We give you ideas to prepare light, fresh and at the same time complete breakfasts that you will love and will make you feel good.

I was giving you a ton of savory breakfast ideas recently. Now that the heat is coming, I am going to propose you a few different, fresher breakfasts, so as not to fall into the routine and start the day well.

Choose your first meal of the day well

Every choice counts when preparing a healthy breakfast, both what you drink and what you eat. I propose some guidelines so that you can improve your breakfasts and enjoy varied, complete and very appetizing combinations when the heat hits.

1. A nice glass of healthy pleasure

If you normally drink coffee or tea with milk, use a vegetable drink. For example from soybeans, almonds, rice or oats. The most nutritionally similar is unsweetened and flavored soy milk, enriched with calcium.

Sweeten the milk?

If, in addition, you usually add sugar, maple syrup or other sweeteners, gradually reduce the amount until you drink it without adding any sugar. For example, if you drink your coffee with a teaspoon of sugar, add ¾ of a teaspoon for the next few days. After half. Then a quarter and finally nothing. You will have gotten used to the taste without even realizing it.

If you want it with cocoa …

If you have “cocoa” for breakfast (you know, with or without “lumps”), better go swapping it for a real cocoa. In any supermarket you have pure defatted cocoa well priced and with an authentic chocolate flavor.

If you have never taken it like this, you should not use too much at first. Remember that “breakfast” cocoas are 85% sugar, which means that for each teaspoon you are actually only adding a pinch of cocoa. Try ¼ teaspoon at first. And if you want, accompany it with a piece of pure chocolate (more than 85% cocoa).

Substitute the juice for a smoothie (or the whole fruit)

If you eat breakfast with juice, swap it out for a fruit smoothie (with or without vegetable drinks) or a piece of whole fruit. I know it is not the same, but precisely because of that.

Changing a routine doesn’t have to be a drama. Try for example to beat a pear (peeled, without seeds) with rice milk and a pinch of cinnamon. Much better than juice and taking advantage of the whole fruit.

As with the pear you can do with strawberries, cherries, banana, apple, pineapple, grapes … Use fruits that you like and if necessary peel them and remove the seeds before beating them.

Also try other vegetable drinks such as soy or coconut milk.

2. Better cereals than cookies

Cookies are not essential or the best option, neither for breakfast nor at any other time of the day. It is preferable to leave them as a specific food. If you like to dip cookies in milk, use vegetable drink and instead of cookies put oatmeal or muesli.

Use whatever muesli you want. If you don’t like raisins, a muesli without raisins. If you like with nuts, then with nuts. Choose preferably muesli preparations without sugar and if you want it to be sweeter, add pieces of fruit, nuts, cinnamon, cocoa, etc.

3. If you like toast …

Make a combo and prepare a toast of whole wheat bread with fruit. For example, a whole wheat slice with sliced ​​banana and a pinch of cinnamon on top. This combination tends to be very popular with everyone, but if it doesn’t appeal to you, try strawberries, raspberries, apple or pear.

If you don’t like fruit or sweet with bread, another option is to put avocado (it is also a fruit, but it is not sweet).

And if you want to innovate, cut some nectarine slices, grill them for a couple of minutes and put them on your toast. The taste is great. If you like things crisp and warm, make yourself whole wheat bread bars with olive oil and tomato.

When you buy whole wheat bread, freeze the leftover slices in a freezer bag to avoid cold burns. In the morning you just have to cook it in the toaster, oven or pan for a few minutes so that it is defrosted, toasted on the outside and tender on the inside at the same time.

There are better and worse tomatoes for tomato bread. Don’t use light-colored ones, acidic flavors, or regular round tomatoes. If you can, use ripe tomatoes and very tasty varieties, such as hanging tomato and bouquet tomato (Mallorcan), but pear tomato and pink tomato also serve us (although the latter has a lot of water).

Don’t beat it, rub it on the bread. Do not use canned crushed tomato, it is very useful for making sauces, but not for this. If what happens is that you usually forget to buy tomatoes, what you can do is grate them and freeze portions that you can take out in the morning and defrost in a moment.

4. A healthy and complete yogurt

If you like to drink yogurt, choose a soy yogurt without sugar and without flavors and put things that you like and have on hand: fruits, seeds, nuts, dried fruits …

My favorite is yogurt with walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and diced mango.

5. Cold legumes, why not?

The fact that it is hot does not mean that you cannot have legumes for breakfast. Think for example of chickpeas in salad. They are cooked and drained, but cold. We can do the same for breakfasts: chickpeas with arugula, with corn or with pumpkin seeds.

You can also make hummus and eat it with carrot sticks or spread it on your whole grain toast.

The lentils are also great in salads, so I think you can incorporate your breakfast in the same way, or in a wrap with lettuce, or pâté.

The white beans usually accompany strong salty and hot breakfast. If you want to avoid the heat of the stove in the morning, simply season them with olive oil, lemon and salt and put them on your toasts.

6. Japanese style: a bowl of rice

It is a breakfast that we think is the most extravagant, but it does not have to be if you like it.

Prepare brown rice the day before and store it well in the fridge.

You can put a small bowl of cold or warm rice and accompany it with legumes, some nuts or whatever you want. And if such is not your attention, put it in a whole wrap with fresh sprouts, mustard and tomato.

7. Sandwich or sandwich, it also works

To make it easy for yourself, use a good whole wheat bread and include these three types of ingredients:

  • something green, fresh and crunchy: lamb’s lettuce, arugula, fresh sprouts, kale, lettuce, spinach …
  • something warm: some slices of seitan, some grilled broccoli florets, sliced ​​zucchini …
  • something creamy: white beans, vegetable mayonnaise, hummus, a vegetable pate you have, some roasted vegetables …

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