6 Ways To Become Aware Of Our Gestures

To avoid tensions that end up being painful, it is important to observe the postures we adopt on a daily basis.

1. When resting

For when you need to rest, we suggest this position that relaxes your back, legs, shoulders and neck. Many pains tend to go away if done daily. Follow the prompts:

  • Stretch out on the floor with two books under your head, knees bent and about 20 cm apart.
  • Put your hands on your belly (elbows rest on the ground).
  • The whole body can rest in this position.

2. In front of the computer

We spend many hours in front of the computer and it is important to be well seated and with the screen and keyboard well adjusted in height:

  • Sit with your back well supported on the backrest and the soles of your feet on the floor.
  • The table and mouse should be slightly below elbow level.
  • The screen should be at eye level.

You will see that it is not easy to keep your back supported, because inadvertently the body moves forward. Try to rest your back on the backrest each time you “get caught” ahead of time.

3. When consulting the mobile

When traveling by bus, subway or any other means, use your bag, backpack or laptop sleeve to raise your mobile phone to eye level whenever you want to consult it. Support your back on the backrest if you are sitting.

In this way you will reduce the tension in the neck and perhaps even solve the cervical pain, if you suffer from it.

4. When making the purchase

To pull the shopping cart it is not necessary to make a great effort. Simply:

  • Relax your shoulders well.
  • Drop forward a bit .
  • Use the weight of your body to drag it.

You need to use force, of course, but not an effort. You will see how you do it in a more rested way and without any physical invoice later.

5. When you get up

When you get up or sit in a chair:

  • Put one foot further back than the other.

When you start the movement :

  • Drop your head slightly forward and then stand up (or sit down).

These two movements of the foot and the head keep your spine from shrinking and you can get up or sit up with more lightness, less effort and better balance.

6. When reading

When you read, instead of sitting down, do it lying down.

  • Lie comfortably on the sofa or in bed.
  • Make sure your head and back are well supported, so that you put in as little effort as possible.
  • Place a cushion of the necessary thickness on the belly so that when resting the book on it it is at eye level.

So you can read for hours effortlessly.

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