6 Exercises To Free Your Hips And Meditate Comfortably

Improve your posture and sit down to meditate without stiffness

Do you want to meditate without rigidity? With these exercises you can.

In the West we have stopped throwing ourselves to the ground to carry out activities on it. Since we were little, we sit in chairs and forget the natural way to sit : on the floor, with our legs crossed. Later, when we want to resume it, our limitations no longer allow it.

Spending so many hours in chairs makes the hips lose mobility and shortens the posterior muscles. Stress, in turn, creates continuous flexion of the trunk and neck that reduces our ability to stretch and straighten.

As adults, these physical limitations and mental rigidity prevent or hinder many tasks. Among them, meditate : it is almost impossible for us to start because we cannot sit down.

If you are interested in meditation, Escuela Cuerpomente offers you a 100% online meditation training to transform your brain and your life in just 8 weeks. Now you can practice mindfulness from home with guaranteed results.

Recover your body awareness

To regain ease, I suggest some body awareness exercises that will reveal your limitations and help you to let go of them.

  • Start by feeling yourself. As the Zen masters say, “sit and feel.” It starts there, but we will reverse the order: first sit down and discover the parts of your body that seem to be made of plaster, the limitations, the pains. Write it down in a notebook and respect it. Then, sit in different activities of your daily life: walking, standing, sitting in a chair.
  • Where do you put tension. All of this will give you information on your shortenings and limitations and where you put unnecessary stress. Because those activities are the ones that make up our structure.
  • Go to the ground. Now, yes, sit as you can on the floor to meditate and explore what your breathing is like, in which areas you notice it and in which you don’t; check your back, knees, feet, hands, neck. And again, write it down and memorize it so that you can later feel your progression.
  • Breathe and let yourself fall. In that same position, take a deep breath and drop down. Stay there as if you couldn’t take it anymore, and feel how your whole body is. From there, take a deep breath again.
  • Hit your best posture. Return to the best posture below


If you want to get started in the practice of Yoga, easily and safely, start with the most complete online course for beginners at the Body Mind School, Initiation to Yoga with Eva Roca.

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